tie back and hobday op


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24 August 2008
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hi, we have just had our 19 hh horse operated on for upper airway respritory disease, left laryngyal paralysis. he had a tie back and hobday on wed 20th and have just collected him from the vets. he is now on box rest for 5 weeks. he has a wound under his throat from the hobday which is running pus. the vets said this is normal, and should clear up in a few days. has anyone recently had experience of this op and how was their horses recovery? also we planned to put him in a turnout pen as he does not settle in the stable but upon collection was told that he cannot eat lush grass for up to a year??? anyone any knowledge? cheers


Well-Known Member
24 June 2008
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I am not an expert, but have to say that pus coming from a wound would indicate infection. Could it be serus fluid, slightly yellow, but clear fluid which is normal to leak from a wound.

If it is green/yellow and slightly smelly and cloudy, its pus.


Well-Known Member
15 August 2008
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The hole left from the hobday op is open into the larynx - this is left open as it's a hole into a surgically "dirty" area - you quite often get a lot of discharge from this hole - but it heals up pretty fast so long as it's kept clean - watch out for the skin underneath this wound - we used to clean, dry (paper towel only) and vaseline underneath to stop the discharge scalding the skin. Did this 2-3 x daily initially dropping to 1 x a day when discharge decreases.
The eating story is a bit different - it's very individual for each horse - some cough when eating, some don't - we always thought that once the healing was all sorted they are best off outside with their heads down, eating more normally on stuff they chew well. I'd check again with your vet what he recommends re diet (make sure you mention he doesn't settle well inside)- there may be something individual about your horse which means lush grass might not be the best.


Well-Known Member
10 February 2006
mine had this op at Willesley. We box rested him for 3 months on soaked hay and haylage. Plus Simple Systems feeds. after 3 months he was turned out on to good grass and never looked back. We still give him soaked hay and feed as he is prone to cough from dry feeds but have never had a problem with feeding him anything, Agree feeding from the floor is paramount.But would def check again with the vet re lush grass as it was never an issue with mine and vet wanted him out and eating as soon as the site had healed. And yes the yellowish discharge is normal for a few days as you ler the hole out but it only lasts a few days tops. Agree totally with the vaseline below the wound as the fluid coming out burns the skin