Is there anybody out there who can tell me anthing about tiebacks, i have been informed that my horse requires one, and am unsure of success of these ops and aftercare
my horse had a tie back operation as a two year old while he was racing. The only special care I give to him is the advice that was passed on by his trainer and that is to give his respiratory system as much support as possible so dust free bedding, all feed and hay damped down, as much turn out as possible and to feed from the floor wherever possible as apparently this limits the chance of anything entering the lungs that shouldn't. He can sometimes be a little slower than others to clear his throat as the beginning of exercise but other than that he is no different than my other horses. Good luck
The hole left after the op is gross!!Lots of gunk coming out but actually heals really quickly. Def no dust after op,cardboard or paper bedding wet hay etc,once healed then carry on as normal!!
My 5yo had a tie back & hobday done on 16th October. So far all is going well
The scar from the tie back is v small but the hole under the chin from the hobday (as has been said) is yuk!
You have to clean it a few times a day & keep the hole open as it heals from the inside out. However on weds he had his staples out & I was told I could start to let the hole heal. Today it is almost closed over & is about 1/4 of it origional size.
They stay in the vets for about a week on antibiotics & pain killers. Once home they have to stay in for a further 4 weeks. Then they go back too be scoped & if all ok you can start to bring them back into work & if they behave they should also be able to go out.
As has been said..... dust free management. Soaked hay & hard feed. Plus all feed to be fed off the floor. No sugar beat.
Apart from that, once it's done & they are fully recovered you should be able to do everything else as normal.
Plus no noise & also more stamina as they will get more oxygen when galloping.
Who is doing yours?
I had Geoff Lane
& he came up from Bristol to do Spider at my own vets.
thanks so much for all the replies and advice, am not sure who is acually going to do op as am waiting for go ahead from insurance company (which would be my next question), has anybody made a successful claim for tiebacks? The actual success of op does almost depend soley on the surg themselves. I am about 5 min from langford where am assuming your surg came from?
My 5yo is destinded to be an eventer, so I hope so
I've been told there is no reason he wont be as good as new.
My boy has had a bad year and was off from April to August with something else, when he came back into work we noticed the noise. My vet decided that as I was going to event him that he'd be better having it done now before he started proper work.
He's 16.3 going on 17hh, so it's not done him any harm to not do too much this year.
I evented him successfully unaffiliated in September & the start of October, so he'd at least done some, but took it slowly to make sure I didn't tire him.
I've been told he might be a bit livelier now he's had it done
However my plan is after Xmas if all is ok, to press on as normal.
many thanx do let me know your chaps progress and insurance, my chap is 2 n is 16'3, he needs this op badly so am hoping and keeping all x so we can go ahead and get it done.
Hope you get this, my horse has had his tieback and is recovering well it was geof lane that did the op, he seems to think all went well. Many thanx for all the advice ect it was all spot on. I had no nasty shocks as you had warned me in advance! thanxs loads hope your horse is doing well and good luck.