Time wasting ?


Well-Known Member
12 May 2007
West Country
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Could I point out that there are two sides to time wasting?
We hear a lot about buyers wasting sellers' time, but as we try to find a pony to loan for my daughter, we are getting increasingly fed up of the rudeness of those with ponies to loan.
Phone calls, emails, even long journeys have all been wasted as people have chosen not to let us know either way, not to get back to us as promised, and simply to drop us in mid air.
How hard is it to text or email, even if only to say 'sorry, changed my mind'?!
I can only assume that these people were never children themselves, and/or that their children never cried, or suffered hurt feelings.
My time is also valuable!


Well-Known Member
19 April 2009
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This happened to me too. We found a horse to loan and he was ideal. We had a date set for him to arrive and had started buying things for him (the 8 year old I was sharing with had save up her money and bought a head collar for him) then, five days before he was due we were called and told that they didn't want to loan him after all. We were all mortified as the arrangements had been going on for almost two months with no signs at all they might pull out. I feel very sorry for you and can only say that we then found an even better horse so although it may be tough now it is possible to find something in the end! (good luck


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28 July 2005
South east UK
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Agreed. We were going to loan a horse, had been to see him, were going to trial him for a couple of weeks but when I phoned up to confirm a date, they'd given him back his old loan home. Hadn't even bothered to ring, I was so angry especially as there's nothing around to loan as it is.

Very annoying people on both sides of the fence.


Well-Known Member
1 August 2008
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Very true, i went to see a 14.2 Section D mare, i was only 13 so very excited as she would have been my first horse!! She sounded perfect! Hour and half drive to find out it was a 13.1 new forest!! Very upset, owner still claimed she was a section D!!!

Then a couple of months ago, went to see a 3 year old 16.2 black warmblood stallion, He was 15.1 and about 5 years old!!!

So annoying!


Well-Known Member
16 January 2006
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wouldn't worry i once went to see a 15.1 cob grey geilding, by the time i go there it morphed into a 16 hh chestnut tb mare.................they had sold the grey in the morning and though i might like this instead
i wanted one to cob show


Well-Known Member
21 September 2008
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The lady who works with me is looking for a 2nd pony for her youngest, 13.2hh ish and safe but not a plod. So far they have seen a 13.2 safe mare who was 12.1 and hopping lame with less bone then my JRT, a 13.2 sj/pc type snaffle mouth, who was on the last ring of a gag, and a 14.1 lightweight that was as safe as houses, but also as heavy as one, 9yr old kid looked like she was sitting on a shire!


Well-Known Member
28 January 2008
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I had this while I was looking. I went to see one horse that had been described as suitable for riding for the disabled. He was nervy, had a huge lump on one side of his head and was lame


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23 June 2008
The independant state of Yorkshire
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I was selling a horse on behalf of a friend who worked long hours....it was so bloomin stressful we ended up buying her ourselves!!

One woman hounded me for days with questions- which I answered honestly as I had known the mare personally for about 5 years...all about what she was like to hack out and ride, was she safe/quiet/forward going etc- all the usual stuff....would she do XC- yes, I told her she had done team chasing and jumped well.

Bear in mind this is a very stocky cobby mare with full feathers- not a lightweight at all.....she made arrangements to come and see several times and didnt turn up......when she finally did she looked over the stable door (middle of winter, pitch dark when I should have been in the bath with a glass of wine) and said 'Oh dear....I really wanted something I could do dressage on'....WTF!!!! At no point did this woman EVER mention dressage, if she had I would have said....No, not a chance.

All ended happily though...OH fell in love and bought her.....


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1 April 2009
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He he.. I was selling a grade A showjumper...bere in mind this is all the same buyer.. firstly she was asking if he had ever hunted.I said no but I thought he would take to it very well.....she then wanted me to arrange to take him hunting so she could follow and see how he was which we did and he was excellent.....she then was asking if I would half his price as he had never hunted!!! He was the price he was as a showjumper!!....then she wanted a five stage vetting done on him which is fair enough...was a bit hair raising as he was 12 and had jumped all his life but there you go.....He passed the vetting with flying colours which she decided was suspicious so had her vet redo the five stage which he passed again with flying colours... she then turned him down as no 12 year old should pass that kind of vetting.....go figure!!!


Well-Known Member
29 December 2008
South Wales
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I have two bad experiences like this, first one i was going to loan, tbh i wasnt going to even go and look at him as he was 23 but the owner presuaded me and i fell in love, said id pick him up friday all fine, ordered about £200 worth of stuff, she text 5 mins b4 we were due to leave (had to hire the lorry) to say she'd loaned him to someone who could keep him on her yard!
Then I was meant to be swapping my mare for this girls gelding, went up to see him, all good, shes seen my mare and loved her, deal was done, then she rang to say shed changed her mind, so i was gutted, someone came out that day and said as long as my mare passed vetting they'd have her , but the original girl called back saying she couldnt stop thinking about how lovely my girl was so the deal was back on, then the day before I went to pick the gelding up and drop the mare off she text me to say shed found him dead in the field, i was mortified and drove down to the field to see him happily munching away


Well-Known Member
29 December 2008
South Wales
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Honestly keep looking because you will find the 'one'. I gave up and by chance a girl rang me who liked my mare who I had already sold, and just happened to mention she had a sectiond d , he wasnt for sale until the summer but if i wanted to come and have a look I was more than welcome, went up to see him on the side of a mountain, it was freezing!!!

rode him up a little lane, got a brilliant feel for him and just clicked straight away, bought him there and then (stv) and i know have the perfect horse for me

mind you the journey home the next week was intresting, my first time towing the trailer and the bloody jeep broke down on the side of road!!!luckily once it cooled down it crawled us home

*****Must remember cars need water too!!