To buy a lorry or not buy a lorry - that is the question ??


Well-Known Member
30 August 2014
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Im perfectly happy driving lorries. Ive been driving for 26 years and have owned 3 lorries in the past, but that was a previous life and totally different circs. No issues driving a lorry whatsoever, but really dont like towing.


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30 August 2014
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I understand why you're looking at this particular 7.5T but I'd look at smaller lorries too. If you're not confident towing you may not be confident driving something so big either and they'll be better in terms of MPG too. Not all 3.5T are new, snazzy and expensive although you could also look at 4.5, 5 and 6.5T ones too. Have a look at a website called Travel Two. They sell decent, but slightly older and more affordable 3.5 and 4.5T boxes.

Im perfectly happy driving lorries. Ive been driving for 26 years and have owned 3 lorries in the past, but that was a previous life and totally different circs. No issues driving a lorry whatsoever, but really dont like towing.


Well-Known Member
9 May 2011
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I could have written this OP! I HATE towing, in fact I simply won't unless I really, really have to. So I invested in a lorry several years ago - we bought a 7.5 tonne lorry from Tristar and I loved driving it, it was so much easier than a trailer ( for me anyway!)

I just found a lorry easier all round, and our Tristar lorry was a delight that never let me down. I very sadly sold her this year as I'm just not competing anymore, but were I to start again ( come on National Lottery!) I'd go down that path again.

Good luck whatever you decide!


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14 April 2014
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Heart over head!

Unless it would make things really tight financially.

And remember, if you buy a good 'un lorries hold their value pretty well. What sort is it?


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11 September 2007
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How about a 3.5? I have a van conversion, done professionally to my spec last year, and I absolutely love it. I only ever travel one horse in it, but it means I am free to go out on my own, have a little jockey area at the back with seats and storage (plenty space for getting changed etc) and it's not much more expensive to keep on the road than a large car.


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18 April 2017
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Oh definitely, more room, living space to throw things without the worry of little hoof prints appearing, built-in camera, no need to hook up, easier to load/unload because not going from the side in from the back, good for bad travellers because they travel sideways.

I could go on, if it's too much there are some excellent 3.5 tonne lorries out there and also we got ours third (maybe fourth) hand and it's it better condition than some of the new ones so don't worry about that either!

Slightly Foxed

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20 September 2001
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I wouldn't be without a truck, I had a trailer years ago but hated towing, however lorries are a money pit! I've had my 12 tonne for 3 years, it was a new build on an ex prison truck so well maintained. It passed its MOT in Novemer with just the windscreen wiper blades needing replacing. A month later everything went wrong! I spent about 2.5k getting it fixed, starter motor, relay, some other stuff that I forget just now.

It's now in intensive care with a burst power steering rod.... Arrghh

It'll be a bit like Trigger's brush "I've had it for 30 years and in that time it's only had 14 new shafts and 20 new heads"

Having said that, my mate's old TK keeps on trucking along when its much younger flashy companions are with the mechanic"


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1 October 2005
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My old girl was 28yrs old - only failed one Certificate of Fitness with a bit of rust , never broke down, sat in the drive for 6 months and started first time - so realiable - I was really sad to part with her but my knee won't let me climb in any more. :(