To Event Riders with Individual Sponsors OR Individual Sponsors


Well-Known Member
29 July 2006
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Hi Everyone

Please could you fill out the attached questionnaires to help me with my dissertation for university?!

My dissertation is a research project and mine is titled ' A study to explore philanthropy within British Eventing'. It basically is looking at the choices and reasons behind people being involved with the BE syndicate system or those that own horses for riders.
If you have a horse owner or individual sponsor please could they fill out the 'Sponsor participant questions' and yourself the 'rider participant questions'.

If you could spare a few moments of your time to fill them out that would be fantastic thank you.

All the responses are confidential.
I wont let me attach a file so I am just going to paste the questions in a comment below.
If you could return answers via email or PM them on here that would be amazing!

I really need your help!

Thanks everyone!


Well-Known Member
29 July 2006
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Rider Participant

Philanthropy - The desire to promote the welfare of others.

Individual Sponsor – An individual who devotes skills, money, time or knowledge.

Syndicate - A group of individuals combining to promote or support a common interest.

Philanthropic Giving

1. How many owners are you currently involved with and what are your relationships like with these individuals/groups?

2. What do the syndicates/Individual sponsors provide e.g. horses, equipment, knowledge or funding etc?

3. Please explain what your ability to run a yard and compete at a high level would be if it weren’t for these sponsors

4. Do you draw up legally bound contracts?
- If so what are the main features of these contracts?
- Or is the relationship based upon an in kind gift?

5. Upon winning a competition or gaining prize money, does the owner of the horse/Syndicate receive a percentage?

6. Do you take advantage of the British Eventing Syndicate system?
- If so, what does it entail?

7. What do you think of the British Eventing Syndicate system?

7a) Have you ever needed this system and how can you tell if a request is a serious one?

7b) Have you ever rejected a syndicate sponsor request?

8. Please explain the type of personality traits you believe your individual sponsors to have e.g. kind, generous, agreeable, strong willed.

9. Please explain any difficult situations you have been in surrounding your individual sponsor e.g. Have you ever disagreed with owners about competitions or their horses training?

10. Why do you believe individuals support you in such a way?

11. What benefits do you believe, the individual sponsors or syndicates receive from sponsoring you?

12. Do you consider their actions to be volunteering? Or would you consider their devotion of time/money/knowledge as a social investment?

13. Please explain what you feel your individual sponsors and syndicates reasoning’s are to sponsor you.

14. Do you only welcome individual sponsors if you have know them previously e.g. a family friend?

15. After receiving such support, please elaborate if you would in turn, sponsor other riders. (e.g. when your professional riding career finishes)

Thankyou for taking the time to fill out this questionnaire, your help and cooperation is greatly appreciated.

Please return via email to


Well-Known Member
29 July 2006
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Interview questions for the Sponsor

Philanthropy - The desire to promote the welfare of others.
Individual Sponsor – An individual who devotes skills, money, time or knowledge.
Syndicate - A group of individuals combining to promote or support a common interest.

1) Please describe when your interest in eventing first began and have you ever ridden yourself

1a) If so, what level did you compete to?

2) How old are you? (Please Highlight)

>40 <40

3) Are you part of the British Eventing Syndicate system?

3a) If so please explain your experience and your involvement with the system

4) Whilst being an owner/Syndicate, what has been your greatest achievement?

5) Why do you offer your help to the equestrian world?

6) Please explain your reasoning’s for sponsorship of your chosen rider (whether this is investing time, money, equipment etc).

7) What type of investment do you believe you make? (social, personal, purely economical, knowledge, time)

8) What benefits to the rider do you believe your investment makes?

9) Please explain the personal mental or physical benefits you believe your syndicacy/sponsorship/investment has given you.

10) Would you own a horse/be a syndicate again for another rider?

11) Please explain the barriers you face, if any, when investing in the rider.

12) If you weren’t kindly offering your time and money to Eventing, what would you be doing?

13) Do you consider your sponsorship/investment to be volunteering?

14) Do believe your investment in to the sport is returned?
- And if so, in what way?

15) Do you feel that you have always been interested in volunteering your money and time? If so please can you elaborate of any other projects or schemes that you have feel involved with?

16) Please explain if you feel that your upbringing has had an effect upon the ethics you have about helping others.

17) Please share what you believe to be your social status within society (Ascribed statuses that exist in all societies include those based upon sex, age, race ethnic group and family background)

18) Do you sponsor your chosen rider for a financial return?

19) Please explain if you believe that your socio economic status has inspired your charitable behaviour?

20) What do you feel is your main subconscious reasoning behind supporting your chosen rider?

Thankyou for taking the time to fill out this questionnaire, your help and cooperation is greatly appreciated.

Please return via email to


Well-Known Member
11 February 2007
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I'd be happy to complete the sponsor's questionnaire but it's too difficult to fill it out in this format (I don't have time to work out how to do it). Could you pm a link to the file or put it on line somehow please - SurveyMonkey for example.


Well-Known Member
19 December 2004
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I honestly do not understand how sponsoring a rider is considered charitable or philanthropic??? It's a business transaction.