To have a tack clear out or not...


Well-Known Member
30 September 2011
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So as most horse owners do... I have a collection of tack bought for various occasions/events/shows. (Mostly all bought with eventing in mind, so dressage, show jumping and xc gear!)!

due to personal circumstances I haven’t been to any shows for a few years, and likely to be a couple more before i go to any more.

i had a clear out of rugs last year, and now only have a few that fit current horse, plus a couple of nice show fleece rugs I didn’t want to sell.

i also went through all my other bits and sorted a fair bit out that I didn’t think I’d be likely to use again.

However I still have about three or four large plastic boxes with “stuff” in them. I have a couple of sets of SJ boots and xc boots, stud girth, number disc, and all sorts of other nice “bits” than I’m unlikely to use within the next couple of years, But I don’t really want to sell.

im hoping to put my horse up for sale at some point in the near future, and intend to be horse free for a little while. When I get a new one, there’s a very high chance it will be a suitable size to fit into my current horsey wardrobe.

opinions... sell everything that’s not nailed down or keep it


Well-Known Member
30 May 2016
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Sell, give away, take to the dump. Free your life of clutter.
I did a massive decluttering before moving house and it is wonderful walking into rooms (tack room included) and not having your heart sink when you look at it and think “why do I have all this stuff I don’t need that is just collecting dust”. The upside was lots of people were very happy to have stuff and it was actual useful, valued by them and I used some of the money to buy a really nice bridle for my really nice pony who deserved it.
Downside I had lesson on said pony in new bridle the other day and instructor suggested trying a new bit, No problem I thought I have one of those, on no I don’t I gave it to a friend!


Well-Known Member
22 July 2013
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Agree with CMcC. Sell, donate or skip. Only keep what you may realistically need.
I've had a massive clear out of general household stuff and horse stuff. It's been great, I can now find everything I need and actually know what I have. Those long forgotten items have been rehomed.
I put on a list of horse stuff for sale in the tack room and sold many rugs. Other rugs went to the second hand part of the local tack shop. They sold really well over last winter and ended up paying for all my winter shavings.
I really hate the faff of selling online, so the bits of tack and other random pieces were put in a tub in the tack room with a note saying help yourself for free. The whole lot went the same day. I was so glad that the stuff collecting dust, found a new purpose.

Bonnie Allie

Well-Known Member
11 June 2019
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Sell it or give it away.

in 2006 we lost our stables and outbuildings to fire. Everything gone in 40mins.

When we filled in the insurance forms 75% of the stuff on the list we didnt use. If I had given it away someone else would have the enjoyment of it but instead because I hung onto it it was gone forever.

New rule - anything new that comes in, something has to be sold or given away.


Well-Known Member
12 May 2012
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I’d go for clear out. After my horse of a life time was PTS I kept a few favourite bits but sold lots at a tack table top sale (great fun!). I then went through the stuff again and got rid of more- what I’ve found it as things change and develop what was my favourite things are no longer. So for example instead of wanting to use my ‘old’ jumping boots I’ve bought new, different horses suit different tack.
I’ve still got a few bits and pieces (Saddle, bridles,few rugs,numnahs etc) but nowhere near the stuff I had- so no worries about it going mouldy sat in a box.
I share a horse now and went halves with owner on new brown tack- have some brown and black but none of what I had suited her, so bought new. Had a few horses since mine PTS -owned or shared and none of my original stuff was of any use!


Well-Known Member
11 May 2015
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Since last horse was PTS I, too, have held on to things in the hope that, perhaps, one day.......... Finally, gave myself a "you're far too old for another" talk and let the saddle go last month.
Don't know where you are in the country, but Hopton Re-Hab and Re-Homing (nr Tenbury Wells) take in literally all bits of tack, rugs etc and sell to help their funds. Not sure if other equine charities do but worth investigating.


Well-Known Member
7 December 2017
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Do it! Even if it’s just a case of tidying up and separating what you know you want to keep and what you’re not sure about. Having separate bins for the yes and the not sure pile. You might find things that you didn’t know you had (I did ?) that you definitely don’t want any more