To move or not?


5 July 2014
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I have recently moved back to the UK from overseas and the first yard we were at for only 6 weeks because of a total lack of turnout (which was the complete opposite to what I had been told).

I moved my horse about 40 mins away to another yard which has turnout BUT now I have an issue where all the horses except for mine have 2 winter fields and 3 of the horses have moved to these second fields. It means my horse can’t see any of them anymore and it is seriously stressing her out and she is screaming and running around her field. There is one horse who she can see at times (once the owner turns him out) but this horse comes in during the day to be ridden which leaves my horse again on her own, for sometimes up to 2 hours. I also work very long hours and turn my horse out by 7am and the horse she can see at times isn’t out before 8.30am or later at weekends which is eating into my day.

Last year, my horse torn her suspensory ligament and has previously had a check ligament injury from being left out on her own to gallop solidly for a hour around the field. I can’t risk further injuries so I have had to make the decision to leave my horse in for now.

I’ve been at this new yard for a month now and I’m finding it very hard to settle there - the other liveries find it funny that my horse gets stressed in the field and think I am mean for leaving her in but I don’t want her injured. I’ve felt sick going to the yard this week because of all this.

a) what would you do - leave in or turn out?
b) would you move yards?

we are due to move to summer fields where the horses can all see one another but that might not be for weeks.


5 July 2014
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Sorry I should have said - there is another field next to my horse’s field which is empty but the YO won’t allowed another horse in there “in case we get another livery arrive”. YO hasn’t spoken to me since I brought up this issue at the weekend and just ignores me.


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23 November 2020
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Sorry I should have said - there is another field next to my horse’s field which is empty but the YO won’t allowed another horse in there “in case we get another livery arrive”. YO hasn’t spoken to me since I brought up this issue at the weekend and just ignores me.

Even more, just leave - not point dealing with a YO who takes that attitude


Fly paper for freaks 🍀
20 November 2008
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I had it before when my horse came off box rest and another livery pulled horses in leaving him out with a pony who he didn't rate as company. The livery rode in the school that bordered the field finding it hilarious that my horse was running about distressed. I needed the vet and horse had to go back on box rest due to tendon strain all because of her unnecessary actions. It would have taken her 2mins to pull him in, like I always did so her horse wasn't out alone, as was the yard rules.

So yeah, leave before an idiot is the reason that your horse breaks


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4 October 2018
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In the immediate short term I would keep in to prevent injury. You will however need to provide adequate exercise to compensate if you don't already do sufficient ie either provide it yourself or pay someone else to. For the longer term I would find somewhere more suitable for my horse.


5 July 2014
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In the immediate short term I would keep in to prevent injury. You will however need to provide adequate exercise to compensate if you don't already do sufficient ie either provide it yourself or pay someone else to. For the longer term I would find somewhere more suitable for my horse.
She is ridden daily and the hacking around us doesn’t allow for short hacks so we are out for a sufficient period of time each and every day. She thrives off her work so she is kept worked as that helps her brain.

I’m starting to look now for elsewhere but when you aren’t local to the area, it’s very hard to know which are the good yards.


5 July 2014
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Where are you? Someone on here may be able to suggest suitable yards
I’m currently based in Somerset but the slight issue I have is that my current work contract is only until July and then there is the possibility I will have to move to be closer to wherever my next contract is, if I can’t find another 100% remote contract. I don’t want to have to move now to then move again in a few months, I want to find somewhere that is permanent for us both and I don’t feel like it is in the Somerset.


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23 September 2021
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Since your horse is being exercised on a daily basis, and the hacks are quite long, it seems that your horse's welfare needs are being sufficiently met. It's not ideal for her, but a good-enough compromise?


5 July 2014
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Since your horse is being exercised on a daily basis, and the hacks are quite long, it seems that your horse's welfare needs are being sufficiently met. It's not ideal for her, but a good-enough compromise?
No - I moved to this yard because I wanted turnout for my horse. I don’t appreciate the YO’s lack of concern that one of her paying liveries has a stressed out horse yet she chooses to to ignore it because it makes her life easier.


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10 April 2012
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I’ve felt sick going to the yard this week because of all this.

a) what would you do - leave in or turn out?
b) would you move yards?

b) would you move yards? Definitely

I’m currently based in Somerset but the slight issue I have is that my current work contract is only until July and then there is the possibility I will have to move to be closer to wherever my next contract is, if I can’t find another 100% remote contract. I don’t want to have to move now to then move again in a few months, I want to find somewhere that is permanent for us both and I don’t feel like it is in the Somerset.

For the 3 months to July I would try to find my horse somewhere else. It is one of the nicest times of the year for being out.
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19 May 2009
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I cannot cope with the statement that your horse is being ignored whilst being stressed out. I don't care if I loathed the horses owner I would not ir could not find it in myself to ignore an obviously stressed animal. Whilst I may be hesitant the first time I saw it I would as sure as hell bring up the situation with the yard owner or horses owner at the first opportunity.
Poor bloody horse x