To pee or not to pee that is the question...


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4 January 2008
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So vet is coming next week for flu jab and to have a look! I have started doing a Pee Diary!

So today..
Decided wanted a pee a few minutes after i got on - peed straight away no problem!
Half an hour into working - stopped stretched..nothing...i kicked..he cantered off.
Had a poo!
No stopping to pee throughout rest of session.
IN stable muching hay afterwards - no sisn of wanting to pee!


Well-Known Member
2 July 2009
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The pony I had as a child used to "pretend" he wanted a pee almost every time we went into the ring at a show. This was always embarrassing as I had to explain that he would not actually pee as otherwise people would think I was cruel making him move on. He also did it where we used to ride to the bottom of this hill turn around and then gallop back up. He used this trick several times on the way down. I'd never heard of a bean in those days so never checked this out. He also got terrible diarrhoea if we did anything exciting so maybe it was nerves?

My current horse won't pee when being ridden he hangs on until he can pee in his stable. One day he was literally dribbling wee he was so desperate to go when we got back from a long hack. I always pop him in the stable for a pee and poop before riding as he saves one especially for when he comes in from the field 😀. He pees in the field though if desperate enough.


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15 April 2013
South Worcestershire
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Many years ago when we were very novicey we had a little coloured cob on loan. He used to stop on a grass verge, spread his legs for a pee than put his head down and eat. He'd do this several times on a hack until eventually he did pee. When we clocked it was a ruse to eat, we just kicked him and it stopped almost overnight!


Well-Known Member
5 January 2015
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I have one of those ponies who has sussed out that having a wee can give him a break. He's not the most forward thinking anyway, and particularly when hacking alone he tends to be reluctant to move out properly without having to be prompted all the time. At some point, he stopped to have a wee on one of those hacks, just after leaving the yard, and I swear it took only that one time for him to figure out that a sudden stop followed by taking the wee-position means he's allowed to stand without reprimand. The difficult thing is that sometimes, he really will have a good long wee. Other times though he might just stand parked out, then try to eat. Or he'll stand and barely squeeze out two drops. I don't like punishing him for stopping when he may have a genuine reason.

My policy now is to deliberately ride him onto the verge and stop at the beginning of our ride, and offer him a chance to wee (on my terms!). If he doesn't take it, then I won't permit any further stopping along the way. He's gotten much better about it, and is less likely to randomly stop now. Especially when in company, he'll only ever stop when he really needs a wee. But unlike other horses, he is more than comfortable to go any time, any place and doesn't mind holding up the ride for it...


Well-Known Member
23 October 2015
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Pee diary days 2 and 3
Pee a few minutes into ride - straight away no hestitation!
Ditto day 3!!

Sometimes though, keeping a diary helps merely because it shows you how much of a problem you don't have. I once had to keep a sleep dairy for my "terrible sleeper" child, then-8yo, who has ADHD. And the main thing i learned over that month is that, barring really terrible anxiety about something specific, she is asleep by 10pm. Because SOMETIMES she is up (through terrible anxiety) until 1am, and because those times are what stick most in the memory because it's so annoying when you're trying to get all the after-bedtime stuff done around the house and the kid is still rattling around, i felt going into it like she was a really poor sleeper with a massive problem. And she just isn't. And maybe your horse doesn't have a massive issue with peeing, it's just he sometimes farts about a bit, and those times stick in your mind more?