Toffs on horses, know what I mean?


Well-Known Member
22 June 2006
Sunny Devon
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I met the master of the Tiverton Staghounds the other day and mentioned to him that I have carried on chasing wild deer with my dogs and that the police were not going to do anything to stop me.

He said 'well that just proves how unjust the law is'. This man is obviously living in the past; what on earth has justice got to do with the law in a sophisticated modern country like ours?

He is clinging to an outdated, old fashioned concept called the 'rule of law' whereby the law of the land is meant to apply equally to all.

Such a concept used to result in ridiculous laws that parliament had to ensure were actually fair. Such as a law against cruelty that requires people to be cruel to break it. Imagine the overhead of having to prove people are doing something wrong when you prosecute them. After all we know who they are.

Everyone knows that the Hunting Act is the will of the people, they don't like toffs in red coats and that is that.

It's quite right in a modern illiberal democracy that ordinary, normal people like me should be able to openly flout the law while the hated minority represented by the Tiverton Staghounds should be persecuted by it.

We (the people) should be celebrating the fact that we are above this law and they are not.

After all this law was our will, not theirs.

I went out and hunted deer with dogs last weekend, I can do that because I'm not a toff.

At last centuries of injustice have been reversed, they are now on the receiving end.

This is modern British justice.