Too many supplements to choose from!!


Well-Known Member
7 September 2010
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Hi, just looking for some recommendations if possible?

Our Welsh D Mare is starting to show some signs of general stiffness, she is somewhere in her early 20's but not sure of her actual age.
She is fed on Top Spec Senior Balancer, a mug of Micronised Linseed and Golden Paste Pellets. She is in super condition, shiny coat, nice and slim and fit and happy to work etc
She is ridden every day, either pottering around the field with my 7 year old niece for half an hour in walk and trot and a tiny little canter or on other days hacking out for up to 2 hours with my sister who may pop her over the odd small log, so nothing major but just enough to keep her ticking over.
She is shod all round as she is quite heavy footed/stompy naturally being a welshie with a fairly high knee action and has always needed a new set of shoes every 6 weeks as she is hard wearing on them. I have read that ponies that may have arthritis are better barefoot but this would not be an option with her, we have tried before but she wears her feet down so quick she gets sore.
My trainer suggested trying her on some Devils Claw to help ease the stiffness/take down any inflammation that might be in her joints. She seems stiff infront more than behind. She is sound, just not as free as she used to be.

I have been looking at Devils Claw supplements and there are so many!
In people's experience, would you buy the Devil's Claw Root as it is and feed that alone? Or is it better to try one of the liquid ones like NAF Devils Relief? Or try one of the herbal mixes like the Hilton Herbs Multiflex?
Or are there any other recommendations?
Why is there so much choice???

Any advice appeciated.


Well-Known Member
22 November 2006
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Equimins devils claw, I use it on my dog and saw a massive difference, my friend also using it on hers and saw a difference.


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29 May 2016
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Day, Son & Hewitt do one called Synoflex. It's got a lot of lovely goodness in there to aid stiffness in joints.


Well-Known Member
13 July 2015
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I've heard great reviews of Grand Meadow's stuff, tried it on my own and he was 100% better than when he was on Synequin (and a lot cheaper for me!)


15 April 2016
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My girl can have quite stiff/ clicky legs but it's kept at bay by Aviforms suppleaze gold :) it's really good stuff and works out reasonably cheap (mines a shire x so for your smaller pony it will go even further!). They have a whole range of joint supplements with suppleaze gold being the top of the range one. I can thoroughly recommend and they are very good with having regular offers (3 for 2 sort of thing) and give you vouchers after purchases :) night do your girl some good? :)


Well-Known Member
7 September 2010
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My girl can have quite stiff/ clicky legs but it's kept at bay by Aviforms suppleaze gold :) it's really good stuff and works out reasonably cheap (mines a shire x so for your smaller pony it will go even further!). They have a whole range of joint supplements with suppleaze gold being the top of the range one. I can thoroughly recommend and they are very good with having regular offers (3 for 2 sort of thing) and give you vouchers after purchases :) night do your girl some good? :)

Okay thank you, sounds interesting - I think my dentist stocks Aviform products aswell so will have a chat with her!