Topspec - what are your opinions


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23 October 2011
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Remember they were a Rep and their job is to sell you their feed. ;)

I have fed Topspec a few times over the years. The horses always look shiny on it, but don't tend to so well with their feet or gut whilst on it in my experience. I've always moved them off it because I'm not 100% happy with how they are doing.

I feed straights and a good quality powdered balancer now.


Well-Known Member
12 August 2011
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I feed the topspec performance lite balancer to one of mine, and he is thriving on it. I do think it depends on the individual horse, and I have to admit topspec was not my first choice, but this horse is very picky with hard feed. I started by feeding straights and he did well, but never finished a feed, once he started competing at Small Tour level I found he was really lacking energy for the level, I tried Saracen first and he wouldnt touch it, likewise Spillers, but the topspec he absolutely loves, its the first time in his life he finishes every single feed. His energy picked up, but he was not remotely silly or hyper, he is now competing Grand Prix very happily on it, and his coat and feet (he is barefoot) are great. It still probably wouldnt be my first choice, but for this particular horse it was been amazing.


Well-Known Member
17 July 2008
I'm using all TopSpec now as its the only thing I can get (thanks Brexit).

I was already using TopChop Zero anyway, to bulk out the hay as mine are good doers.

Was feeding Fast Fibre and Forage Plus pelleted balancer. The Fast Fibre came from NI so I can't get either now. So swapped to TopSpec High Fibre mash and their low cal balancer. I'm making the mash with a lot of water (about 5:1) so they're getting very little really.

So far the main issue is that they think the mash is the yummiest thing ever and have had trouble with them gate hogging and losing their manners coming in. Feet aren't noticeably worse (both barefoot).

Jeni the dragon

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2 August 2019
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My two both look really good on it! I've been feeding it for years, moved onto it when my mare was in foal and spoke to a couple of reps at an event. The Top Spec rep was incredibly helpful, loads of suggestions, some samples and money off vouchers. The other couldn't have cared less!
So I've stuck with it.
My oldie was on a selection of different things, including the linseed mash, which he adored!
They often have money off.
I also like being able to collect tokens for free feed and goodies! I've got lovely matchy coolers for them all!


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1 February 2002
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I used it a few years ago and my horse did well and looked good on it. She’s a good doer so just had TopSpec Lite with a handful of Dengie HiFi. I tried her with TopSpec’s own chaff but, she wouldn’t touch it.

Then I moved to full livery and balancers are not included in the livery feeds. She now has spillers high fibre cubes with Dengie HiFi. In winter she’s gets sugar beet too. To be fair, she looks just as good on it!

Have been considering going back to DIY - if I do, I’ll probably just stick with her present diet - it’s simple and cost effective.

Dave's Mam

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23 July 2014
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Dave's on the Lite Balancer. He has great shine & his feet are great.
I'll not post a photo, as he's currently fat having been off games for a while, when I was reviving my confidence.


Wasting my time successfully....
23 July 2011
Somewhere south of the middle
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Tried the balancer a few years back and it brought my then horse out in hives . We had the rep at the yard and I mentioned this, and she said yes she had come across that before ...

Through a recommendation here I tried Pro Balance and have used that now for years, very happily.


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20 August 2014
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I used it before on a horse that needed to put weight on. I liked the fact that you could feed the balancer, then top up with the feed that suited.


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12 May 2021
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If he is very overweight I wouldn't feed anything other than hay /soaked hay and if necessary , oat chaff as a hay replacer.

He's not overweight in the slightest. Topspec lady said his weight was perfect, which obviously gives us a bit of scope for feeding. Plus, I want to find something before winter. He's never been underweight, but I don't want to risk that!

Meowy Catkin

19 July 2010
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He's 8 years old, 14hh and body condition scored as 5

He's not overweight in the slightest. Topspec lady said his weight was perfect

I suspect that Sossigpoker thought that he was very overweight because there are two weight scales. One is out of five and the other is out of ten. So they might have thought that your boy was 5/5 when you meant 5/10. :)


Well-Known Member
1 August 2011
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Wouldn't necessarily say any balancer would really increase energy levels due to the low intake nature of the product. Theyre essentially vitamin pellets with increased protein levels.

If you're trying for higher energy and lower intake it would be more worth looking into something like Saracen Competition Fit balancer or D&H Performance Concentrate - They are both like balancer competition mix hybrids.


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12 May 2021
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Someone has mentioned Re-Leve to me but I've heard bad things about it before and I'm worried that a feed with too much energy may get him to put loads of weight on again if fed at the recommended amount. But, on the other hand, I'm worried about him dropping too much in winter. I also don't want to make him any fizzier/sharper as he can be quite a handful in certain situations.

I wish he was straightforward to feed! I mean I could just stick to what he's on, but like I said, I think there's something better out there as it is very much the most basic/nothingness feed.


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5 April 2010
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So basically, I'm struggling with my boy's feed.

We had the topspec lady come and weigh the horses the other week and she said that my boy could benefit from their performance lite balancer as he's a good-doer who can be either lazy or very energetic, but as we are eventing he needs enough in him to maintain stamina (before anyone jumps on me, I know stamina is based on fitness).

However, I've also heard really bad things about topspec feed?

I'm up to nearly finishing his current feed so thinking do I buy a bag of the topspec to make the slowly introduce it and make the switch? Do I stay the same or do I try something else?

Someone also recommended pure feed fibre balance and pink mash (he has a history of ulcers).

Horse feed is an absolute minefield because there's just so many options.
I put mine on the Top spec zero, horse ate it for a while then would not touch it - also tried the calmer and was not impressed with it at all. Vet keeps telling me to use this and that but on a whole I don't like their stuff.


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9 May 2007
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My horse is a lazy good do-er who can also be explosive when she wants. She can't have molasses as it sends her dolally but can have alfafa. I've just moved her onto the TopSpec Top Chop Sport as one of the only feeds for extra energy without molasses and it seems to suit her very well. No explosions and just a nice bit of extra go. Very shiny and healthy looking.


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12 May 2021
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I've spoken to D&H and they recommended either their Ultimate Balancer or their Elite Sport Muesli with either kwikbeet or alfalfa oil. It all sounds like very energising/conditioning feed? Anyone fed any of these?


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14 September 2020
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Im really old fashioned and tend to start with basic things like pony nuts and chaff. If that's not enough, add sugarbeet. For hard work I go with something like linseed meal and Alfa A with oil. Local hunt horses eat Alfa A with oil and Calm&Condition by the bucket load and they look fantastic even at the end of the season.


Well-Known Member
1 August 2011
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I've spoken to D&H and they recommended either their Ultimate Balancer or their Elite Sport Muesli with either kwikbeet or alfalfa oil. It all sounds like very energising/conditioning feed? Anyone fed any of these?

That is a very conditioning ration yes (ESM, not so much Ultimate Balancer), Not sure why they would have recommended that diet for a good do-er at all.


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28 June 2012
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I feed Alfa A Oil to my Arabs and they seem fine on it, I think it's down to each individual horse and what works for one may not work for another.