Tori Peter


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17 June 2011
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Any one know anything about her?

She is a 5 minute hack away from me, so didn't know whether to book my horse in for schooling livery for a few days in the spring time?

She seems a lovely rider, but once when I was about 11 I asked if I could keep my pony on her yard and she laughed at me :eek: so I've never really forgiven her :D (In hindsight, it was a stupid thing to ask, but I was soo embarrassed :p)

Anyway, what do you think? :)


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12 March 2010
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She is my instructor and she is really good. I have a highly strun sensitive idiot of a WB and she has done a lovely job helping me take her back to basics and now building on basis. Very encouraging but willing to tell you when your doing it wrong


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17 June 2011
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Oh thats good to hear. I'm backing my lad slowly at the moment but he's got lots of potential and I want to make the most of it. Might try and get a lesson once he's more established.

Do you travel to her? :)


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17 June 2011
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How much does she charge, if you don't mind me asking?

And any idea how far in advance I'd need to book a lesson?

Sorry for being a pest! :eek:


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4 July 2007
I had a lesson with her at camp I went to and she was lovely. Really down to earth and easy to understand IFKWIM. I'd throughly recommend and would jump at the chance to have a lesson with her again.
She even said my mare was the horse she'd most like to take home out of all the ones at the camp!!:) Always get people into my good books!:D


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17 June 2011
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Ah thanks noodle, I didn't even think about checking the site for prices :eek:

Aw, I think I'll book a lesson, it seems like she's nice and I've seen her ride and she's definitely talented! :)

Pony tree

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6 April 2012
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Tori Peter is just simply brilliant! I have had lessons from her for a while now and I have really moved forward. She makes dressage easy. I travel 2 hours to get to her and it's worth it. If you live nearby and can hack there, what are you waiting for? She never makes you feel that you can't achieve your goals and has so much energy to give. Prior to having Tori I had regular lessons at £75 per lesson off a well known name and all I can say is you don't always get what you pay for........but Tori is worth every penny. I would happily pay £75 for Tori (but don't tell her that):D


Over the hill and far awa
14 September 2006
West Yorkshire
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Having just read a rude post about Sylvia Loch by ponytree, I had a look at previous posts and she is recomending the woman from yesterdays thread, who thought that bashing the pony on the neck was praising it! :eek:

Pony tree

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6 April 2012
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That's not bashing. That's enthusiastic patting. The pony knew exactly what was right. He is now riding amazingly and so much happier. His rider is also happy. That was a one off sharp short shock and its lasting! Surely that's better than bruised sore ribs, spur marks, unbalanced hands when whip in use. Can't believe that any real rider can't see that.


Over the hill and far awa
14 September 2006
West Yorkshire
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That's not bashing. That's enthusiastic patting. The pony knew exactly what was right. He is now riding amazingly and so much happier. His rider is also happy. That was a one off sharp short shock and its lasting! Surely that's better than bruised sore ribs, spur marks, unbalanced hands when whip in use. Can't believe that any real rider can't see that.

I presume you were the rider at the beginning of the video, from you remarks.

Pale Rider

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15 June 2011
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"Of prime importance to me is to enable horse and rider to communicate through feel and touch and build a unique partnership where the horse wants to work and train with you. A horse only learns through feel and our response to their efforts. In that way the horse can maximise its understanding to help the rider reach their potential and thus be more successful. I find it extremely rewarding to see my clients improve and very importantly to see my clients happy and in love with their sport as they progress with their own personal achievements."

A quote from the Torri Peter web page, 'A horse only learns through feel,'

Well, he bloody 'felt' that.

Pony tree

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6 April 2012
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No I am not the rider on the horse at the beginning.
The horse is kicking out and not wanting to go forward. It is important that he goes forward for the riders safety and his own, for example whiles out hacking in traffic etc. this video still goes along with what is being said above as the feeling was unpleasant when he kicked out against the riders leg aid. When he went forward he was praised. And ok, tori might be patting a little to enthusiastically.
The horse was always given a choice which he uses correctly in the end. The whip wasn't a nasty sharp schooling whip either. If a horse in a herd finds his place in the pecking order by being kicked by others and settling to his level, then this is the same.
The rider was being threatened and the horse was bucking to scare the rider. Where do you think this horse was going next? Potentially he could become very dangerous indeed as he grows with confidence to challenge the rider. All that has now been rectified in a short session. I think tori's actions where correct and needed. This horse has been through the parelli system and he still wouldn't go forward.
Tori is a fantastic trainer, watch her other videos on Facebook and judge her on what you see after watching other results.
What I hate is people using the whip unfairly and instead of the leg with no "choice" given. Let's here about your vast training experience and how much you have achieved to quantify your need to trash one of the best trainers we have on the northwest.

Pale Rider

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15 June 2011
Northern Spain
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Just my thoughts on this. The rider is totally ineffectual, the horse some say may be taking the piss, but what it's actually doing is making its own decisions through lack of leadership. It sees the rider as a subordinate nuisance. I would say that because the rider is so ineffective that they turn to Parelli. Lots do, and are totally useless at that as it is far from an easy cure all option. So even after attempting Parelli techniques the rider, as you would expect, is still ineffective and useless.

What the trainer does is crude, but on the right lines at this stage of the game. She gives it a massive phase, but doesn't over do it and lessens the phase as the horse responds. She also gives it time to process and think.

A classic case of 'Doing less, sooner' would have sorted this out a long time ago.

It's not the horse that needs training, it's the rider. This will revert back when the trainer is out of the picture, if the rider doesn't up their game, sharpish.


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19 May 2012
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I know of a RS horse who was given a similar "short sharp shock" and in similar circumstances. He only has to see a crop or dressage whip and he panics. Is that really a good way for a horse to feel and react?


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8 February 2006
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Are you Tori, pony tree. If you are, or a friend of hers, I'd suggest you have that video taken down because it will do nothing for your/her reputation.

Am disappointing here as if Tori is comfortable to say that is her training method and can see no wrong why should it then be hidden from the outside world to see .. Openly we can discuss as what did happen and make our own minds up as whether to follow her or anyones methods

be positive

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9 July 2011
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Having read the other thread, looked at the video, the riding method while fairly crude is not the issue to me so much as the teaching or lack of it leading up to her getting on the little horse. It may have been out of context but the horse and its owner were so at odds with each other with no real structure or instruction that is the part that is really questionable I would not have allowed a lesson to deteriorate to that extent without some intervention, probably getting the rider off far earlier.


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29 January 2009
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The horse was always given a choice which he uses correctly in the end. The whip wasn't a nasty sharp schooling whip either. If a horse in a herd finds his place in the pecking order by being kicked by others and settling to his level, then this is the same.

Have you actually felt any whip across your skin at full tilt? It hurts like s##t. I dont see it makes any difference if its a schooling whip or not. Horses dont just go round kicking each other to establish pecking order.
That 1st rider needed to go back to basics on a lunge or something and that whip should have been took off her til she new how to ride instead of being allowed to keep swatting it like an annoyning fly down the shoulder.


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25 June 2001
Shropshire/Worcs. borders
Apparently so, title was Tori Peter goes buzz

The video has now been made Private - after some knowledgeable people voiced their opinions of it on a FB group!:D I'd never heard of her until I saw that video - my impression was she was giving a CRAP lesson (to a rider who was half-strangling her horse and preventing it goiung forward - and about all she could say was 'Kick, kick'! Then she got onto it and laid into it WITHOUT first giving the horse a chance to respond to correct aids!

Maybe the video was her on a bad day - it certainly didn't impress!


Well-Known Member
24 January 2007
west mids
It does seem very strange that someone is suddenly asking about her and people are saying she is marvelous.
The sharp shock didnt worry me too much but I just didnt think the horse was right. It kept resting its leg. If only they could talk.


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19 May 2012
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Enthusiastic patting :eek:
Judge.. Defendant in the dock..did you slap this person?
Defendant.. No, you Honour, I merely patted her enthusiastically :D