Tori Peter


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20 July 2012
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Am disappointing here as if Tori is comfortable to say that is her training method and can see no wrong why should it then be hidden from the outside world to see .. Openly we can discuss as what did happen and make our own minds up as whether to follow her or anyones methods

Because how do you know if it is her training method, maybe she did that once and since she was there and we were not, then to me that video may not be a true reflection of her methods.

I'm not defending her, I don't know her at all I'm just saying that vid shouldn't have been on YouTube, not least in case someone who doesn't know what they are doing copies.

I have thought about the video and watched it again and I think what I find unfair for the pony is the fact it is being so badly ridden, and then is bullied by a competent rider. I wish she had got on it and ridden it nicely and if it didn't respond, I would have been less upset over the smacking.

Pale Rider

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15 June 2011
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Nice to see the Horse and Hound forum members getting completely the wrong end of the stick, an all too common event lol.

This is obviously not her 'method' of training. If this was par for the course, why broadcast it? Interesting that loads think hiding it would be a good idea.

I agree with all those who say it was a crap lesson and a crude way of dealing with it.

All the problems here are down to an owner with crap horsemanship skills, and the place is crawling with them.

The number of times I've posted on here about how wrong it is to crop horses and been bombarded by the 'sharp shock, show whose boss, no nonsence, a good smack is needed, horses do worse,' the list is endless.

What I'm trying to say is that the forum is delightfully, inconsistent. Tori Peter has done what thousands of you do every day. It won't cure the horse for the rider, only the rider can do that.


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20 July 2012
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Pale rider you seem to have changed your mind three times judging by your replies on this thread.

As for "loads" saying hide it, exaggeration isn't it? I said it was inappropriate to be broad casted, you can twist that however you like but the main reason was because I don't think it should be giving anyone incorrect ideas.

Pale Rider

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15 June 2011
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Pale rider you seem to have changed your mind three times judging by your replies on this thread.

As for "loads" saying hide it, exaggeration isn't it? I said it was inappropriate to be broad casted, you can twist that however you like but the main reason was because I don't think it should be giving anyone incorrect ideas.

Don't be stupid, I haven't changed my mind at all. The horse needed some sort of help, but there were too few tools in this particular tool box to use.


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19 May 2012
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I was going back and forth between PR's posts and am also confused by what point is being made by her. Cant see how the fault lies entirely with the pupil in this case as she is being issued with instruction she can't follow or does not understand. Of course we can just blame the horse for making them both look so bad.

Pale Rider

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15 June 2011
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I was going back and forth between PR's posts and am also confused by what point is being made by her. Cant see how the fault lies entirely with the pupil in this case as she is being issued with instruction she can't follow or does not understand. Of course we can just blame the horse for making them both look so bad.

It's certainly not the horses fault, I doubt the trainer has these sorts of problems with their own horses, so whose fault is it then??

Of course its the owner being totally ineffective.

Far too little far too late, then this car crash. Not an uncommon scenario though.


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19 May 2012
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Anyone who viewed the video commented on how bad the rider was. So it must have been obvious to the trainer too. What I am disputing is what lesson was taught by her getting on the horse and whacking it. Surely it would have been better to go back a few steps correct the rider's faults and get her sitting correctly and explain what her hands should be doing and then start again in walk. It looks a like instead of this she got impatient.

Pale Rider

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15 June 2011
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Anyone who viewed the video commented on how bad the rider was. So it must have been obvious to the trainer too. What I am disputing is what lesson was taught by her getting on the horse and whacking it. Surely it would have been better to go back a few steps correct the rider's faults and get her sitting correctly and explain what her hands should be doing and then start again in walk. It looks a like instead of this she got impatient.

""What I am disputing is what lesson was taught by her getting on the horse and whacking it.""


I have to say I'd not heard of Tori until this lot. Apparently a dressage trainer, so thats a multitude of questions answered, lol.
Last edited:


Well-Known Member
20 July 2012
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Don't be stupid, I haven't changed my mind at all. The horse needed some sort of help, but there were too few tools in this particular tool box to use.

I am not stupid. You however are rude and it's not necessary. You have changed your tune from what you said in the second post where you said

What the trainer does is crude, but on the right lines at this stage of the game. She gives it a massive phase, but doesn't over do it and lessens the phase as the horse responds. She also gives it time to process and think.

A classic case of 'Doing less, sooner' would have sorted this out a long time ago.


""What I am disputing is what lesson was taught by her getting on the horse and whacking it.""


I have to say I'd not heard of Tori until this lot. Apparently a dressage trainer, so thats a multitude of questions answered, lol.

Pale Rider

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15 June 2011
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FfionWinnie, yes I am rude, sorry for that.

What I am trying to say, and not very well as I'm not getting my point across is this.

We are where we are with this horse. You cannot say, this should have been done or that , because it hasn't. I'm thinking of where that horse is in his head. Not happy I'll wager. Every time the rider gets on its loads of kicking and unpleasantness on both sides.

The trainer did put a massive phase on it when she hit it, it needed some form of massive phase. All she had was a whip, so when I say 'she was on the right lines', she was, in knowing it needed the phase, but wrong in using a whip, but she had nothing else. Thats why I said it was crude.

If it had been infront of me, I'd have worked it on the ground a little bit, and got it leaving at canter, before I got on.

I agree that the lesson taught the rider nothing, except perhaps the misconception that thrashing it works.

It would have been good to do as much as is required to get the problem sorted once and for all for both the rider and the horse then and there, rather than go through weeks of anguish, taking things more slowly.

Hope I've explained my thoughts a bit better.:)


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12 March 2010
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Having had lessons from Tori who worked wonders with my big over sensitive mare I think you judgemental lot should base your opinions on something more than a few minutes of video of one lesson


Up in the clouds
20 February 2009
W. Yorks
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Poor horsey, has a numpty owner and an even bigger numpty trainer.

TrasaM Lol..she couldn't spot that the rider couldn't ride and you expect her to notice the horse not sound...


I cannot imagine any-one paying for instruction of that standard.
I saw quite enough in the 1st 1min 15 secs of that video to know that the riding was poor and the instruction worse than useless.


Well-Known Member
28 March 2011
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I have not read this whole thread but if this a follow on from the thread the other day with the clip of the lesson.
It makes little sense to judge someone from such a clip,with out knowing the context and the background .
Interesting debate around the issues on here is one thing but judging an indvidual from it is something I would not do.


Well-Known Member
4 June 2003
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I have not read this whole thread but if this a follow on from the thread the other day with the clip of the lesson.
It makes little sense to judge someone from such a clip,with out knowing the context and the background .
Interesting debate around the issues on here is one thing but judging an indvidual from it is something I would not do.


Pony tree

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6 April 2012
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Unbelievable. It is true about these forums. You are all experts...... But have no idea what you are talking about.
Apparently I have read that this rider on the video keeps getting bucked off. The pony naps. The rider has crumbled. Hence her position. How can you correct someone's position and hands on a horse that won't go forward? Shall we buy it a beach ball and a carrot stick....... And treat is so nicely that it will be happy thus will go forward, grow up! The rider is heading to have a pet and not a horse to ride, but that's ok isn't it for most of you lot. You are deluded. If the horse will willingly go forward after 4 sharp smacks then the rider has nothing to fear and can learn to ride. Or should she continue bruising its ribs and exhausting herself to only be bucked off! You all know best. You have all achieved national standard!!!
Don't judge what you don't know. Tori has helped me get my horse forward and her methods work and I didn't even get asked to use a whip. She isn't one of the most popular trainers in the region for nothing. Lets all see what the follow up report is.


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6 September 2009
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Rubbish Pony tree, presuming you are Tory you fail to talk the rider through what is going on and do other exercises instead to help her. You seem to have a pointless aim of just getting the horse to charge round in a circle instead of looking at what else might help the horse and rider.

The rider and the teacher think it's hilarious from that video, it isn't. I'd be interested to know how on earth it got posted to you tube and why in the first place as it is certainly not teaching that's appealing or attractive.


Up in the clouds
20 February 2009
W. Yorks
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. If the horse will willingly go forward after 4 sharp smacks then the rider has nothing to fear and can learn to ride. Or should she continue bruising its ribs and exhausting herself to only be bucked off! .............
Don't judge what you don't know. .

I would have thought that a backwards thinking 5 yr old (if indeed it is backwards thinking) is NOT a suitable horse for a rider of the standard shown in that video, who should still be learning on a very reliable, think-for-the-rider type of horse. A sensible instructor would have explained that to the rider and either suggested where such a horse could be found, or tried to compromise by putting the rider on the lunge on that horse.
The rider should certainly not have been left confusing the horse by kicking it forward and restricting its movement by pulling back at the same time. I feel sorry for both the horse and the rider, who presumably had paid for that experience.

And tbh, it doesn't take an Olympic medal winner to see the faults in that video. I


Well-Known Member
11 July 2012
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I have seen the video on youtube - yes it is just one video and I'm sure she has done good work with other people, and it is hard to judge accurately from one video.

However, if I were looking for someone to send my horse to for schooling, based on what I've seen it would NOT be her. One video is enough to damage a reputation, and this video certainly achieves that.

As a trainer she should have spotted the horse's discomfort with his hind leg and recommended to the rider that he is checked for pain issues. As a trainer she should have corrected (or at least tried to) the rider who is clearly a novice and has many bad habits. As a trainer she should never get on a horse who was ridden badly by another person and give it a huge whack right away - the previous behaviour from the horse was because of the poor rider who rode first, the trainer gave the poor thing no chance to improve with a supposedly 'expert dressage trainer' on board, he got a whack before he had chance to do anything. As a trainer she should not have been enjoying this debacle so apparently along with the original rider, no-one should delight in this kind of work let alone a professional trainer. And as a trainer she has tought the rider (and horse) that a great big whack with the whip is the only way to get the horse to respond.

None of the above is what I would want my horse to be subjected to - ok so this might be a one off and a particularly difficult horse, but even so to me none of what I saw in that video is acceptable even with a problem horse. I would be too afraid that any of the above could happen to my horse if it were in her care and I simply could not take that risk.

ABC - the decision is yours but if I were you I wouldnt risk my horse with her knowing that she is capable of what is in that video and I would take my horse to someone else, there are plenty of fantastic trainers out there who are patient, kind and better qualified to notice clear signs of pain and discomfort.


Well-Known Member
17 June 2011
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Thanks kc100 but this post is about a year old. :)

I didn't send my horse to Tori in the end, but whenever I have met her out hacking she has always been nice :)

Pony tree

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6 April 2012
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I'm certainly not tori, ha. Like the complement though. I ride at prel level and train with her. I don't even think she is aware of all that goes on in Forums. Probably best not to know. Jumping to conclusion doesn't help anyone is my point. How do any of us know what happened before or after. This is a short video.

I'm just an old fashioned rider with good grounding in eventing. Pure Dressage is a new thing to me but this video wasn't dressage based, just common sense.


Over the hill and far awa
14 September 2006
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Pony Tree, the reason Iresurected this thread was because on another thread you commented that Sylvia Loch cannot get a horse to work through its back and she can only look pretty on the horse, unlike the shining star that is Tory Peter. Does Tory Peter know that you are making these comments? I would have thought that any trainer of repute would have been somewhat displeased to be connected with this purile behaviour, if she is happy for you to continue with your campaign, then that also says a vast amount about her.


Well-Known Member
16 April 2012
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For anyone disputing whether the horse was right or not, I received an email from Tori a few days ago saying "Of course we knew the horse wasn't right and professionals in their field have been involved."

Fair enough if he wasn't right, what puzzles me is why she knew he wasn't right and continued to teach/ride him?