Towing insurance question - ROG or anyone who may know


Well-Known Member
25 September 2011
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I am having a bit of a nightmare sorting out the insurance to tow a horse trailer.

Basically my insurance company will not insure the trailer for damages as they do not insure horse trailers.

I do though have the responsiblilty civil to pull a trailer or caravan upto the legal limit that my car can pull. Therefore I believe, but please correct me if I am wrong, I am covered if we have an accident which causes damages to others.

So when I hire a van is the insurance for damages under their insurance?? This is what my insurance company have said. As a trailer should have its own registration it must be insured by the owner and not buy the vehicle pulling it.

Can anyone shed light on this, as I would rather know it is all correct before I get out on the road.



village idiot :D
3 March 2007
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I'm a little confused - trailers do not currently require their own registration, at least not the sort of trailers that are towed behind vans or cars.

You need to go to your own insurance company and ask them whether you are insured for third party risk when towing.

If you are hiring a van then you need to check with the van hire company whether you are covered to tow a trailer.


Well-Known Member
19 January 2012
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My trailer is insured under my horse's insurance through NFU, and not through my car insurance. It isn't covered for breakdown but it is covered for everything else that may occur whilst on the road/parked at the yard etc.


Well-Known Member
19 October 2009
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I'm keen to know this too. but am interested by your point about the trailer being registered, are you in the UK?

My employer will let me use a company vehicle to tow my own trailer but insist that I have insurance to do so

My impression though is that I would have separate insurance which would cover the vehicle AND trailer. eg by towing I render the normal insurance for the vehicle null and void as that does not cover towing and therefore must provide my own insurance for the entire set up (vehicle and trailer)

This may be difficult if you are hiring the towing vehicle though

I hope to goodness that your thinking is correct as that would be far easier!


Well-Known Member
25 September 2011
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Right, sorry am in France!!! Didn't realise it was that different in the UK. Yes trailers here are registered with their own documents and therefore can only be insured for damages by the owner (or so I believe). I know 100 percent that they are registered as they must have what is called a carte grise (grey card) which cars must also have to be on the road.

Do you not have civil insurance which covers you if you damage someone elses property in England? For example I have civil insurance to keep my horses in the field next to my house in case they get out and cause an accident.

What happens in the UK when you hire a horse trailer, how does the insurance work for you?


Well-Known Member
10 December 2008
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My understanding is that most (but always worth checking) car policies will insure the car whilst it is towing so you are covered for the car if it is in an accident and your 3rd party cover on the car covers any damage caused by the trailer to other vehicles whilst it is attached to your car. It will NOT cover any damage to the trailer or its contents (horses), insurance for which needs to be purchased separately.

Company cars could well be different, I've never had one so not had cause to check. Likewise with hire vehicles, hire insurance is not standard and could well have exclusions for towing. You'd probably need to check your hire contract and that specific inusrance policy.


Well-Known Member
25 September 2011
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My understanding is that most (but always worth checking) car policies will insure the car whilst it is towing so you are covered for the car if it is in an accident and your 3rd party cover on the car covers any damage caused by the trailer to other vehicles whilst it is attached to your car. It will NOT cover any damage to the trailer or its contents (horses), insurance for which needs to be purchased separately.

Company cars could well be different, I've never had one so not had cause to check. Likewise with hire vehicles, hire insurance is not standard and could well have exclusions for towing. You'd probably need to check your hire contract and that specific inusrance policy.

This sounds more like I was told. Although I found it interesting that it is only covered if you are within the cars legal weight towing limit. You often see vehicules pulling more than they should!