Trailering a horse for 19 hours?

20 February 2017
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I know, overactive imagination is one thing, blatantly posting lies on an adult forum, having 2 accounts to do so, is not 'helpful'

Maybe you're right and I need to be less of a pushover ?? not sure why op keeps coming back tbh. They need to give it a rest and come back under a new name when they've decided to grow up a bit, it's sort of embarrassing to witness: all they're doing is giving teenaged horse owners a bad rap.


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25 March 2020
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Ok had missed that, but still possible to buy a horse in Europe or wherever going to live that’s nearer the new accommodation once she knows where it will be. Best to be settled before buying the horse. Type would depend on age of OP and what she’s wanting to do in the future. Very different ideas with children riding horses rather than ponies in some areas.
I am settled, the stables are being built and I have an instructor to help me find the perfect pony. Regarding your concerns about my age, I am a teen, being mistaken for a 13 year old on this forum.
20 February 2017
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OP why in God's name have you resurrected this thread? Please just let it die.

Edited to add - I am sorry if I am coming across harsh but you do not want this coming back to bite you on the arse later on, HHO does not let you delete things and I really mean it kindly that this is not the impression of yourself you wish to have sticking around. We've all said things we regret online and in such instances the most sensible thing to do is to move on and forget, making amends if and where you can, not bring it up over and over.
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22 September 2016
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I've had two horses transported from Ireland to Scandinavia with professional transport service - worth every penny (or cent...), and a lot less than I thought, about 1000 euros each time. Both arrived with all border crossing paper work done (vet check, export certifications, ID, proof of purchase etc), rested, fed, hydrated and not a drop of sweat on them. It took about three days and they texted me at all stages about their progress. Would never venture into that myself.