Training Livery for an RC-type horse?


Well-Known Member
31 October 2006
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Hi All,

I have a rising 7 year old that I need to find training livery for - due to me being relocated abroad with work for 6 months!! He's at the stage in his life where he needs to crack on and not sit being wasted in a field all summer. So I've made the decision to send him away to make some progress and hopefully he can have a bit of fun as well as being looked after while I'm gone.

My question is - he is an RC horse, and as such I don't know what sort of person to send him to. I can't imagine he would be a dressage riders cup of tea... I wouldn't want someone to get frustrated with his limitations as he clearly does not have Grand Prix potential, but he is a lovely easy-going chap who is a nice allrounder that could do with some more miles on the clock.

Has anyone ever sent a horse like this away and what did you ask them to work on? Did it work?! And does anyone have any personal recommendations? I am in Cheshire but obviously this is a long term commitment so I would be prepared to go almost anywhere. The reason I would like to go closer to home is that it would be nice to keep having lessons when I get back.

Thanks! :D


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5 July 2010
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Hi Foxford. I can highly recommend Charlotte at CJC Eventing in Sandbach. Don't let the name put you off - Charlotte does everything from riding club to BE and BD. I sent my very hot little warmblood to her for schooling and she worked wonders with her and took her to RC SJ, XC and dressage. She is quiet and consistent so the horses always understand what is being asked of them and never pushes them beyond their ability. She has an eye for seeing what the horse needs and always finds a way of meeting those needs. She has a small private yard where all the horses are cared for as if they were her own. I would not hesitate to recommend her. Her website is if you would like to speak to me in person please feel free to PM me and I'll give you my number.


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22 June 2009
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Have a look at

Although they do alot of dressage, they do all disciplines and also specialise in working with the "less than perfect dressage horse", getting the best sschooling out of a horse with limitations.
Alto of their clients just wish to enjoy their horses and they help them to achieve their full potential no matter the discipline.

Also they look after all their horses as their own, many owners have been around the world and offered many good testimonials on the care of their horse.

Good luck!


Well-Known Member
31 October 2006
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Thanks for those recommendations - I will follow up both. :)
Chamer, I thought an eventer might be a good idea as low level evening is pretty close to what I want him to be able to do i.e. fun rides and unaff dr/sj and maybe a couple of HTs...
Hmmm, food for thought! I'm glad there seem to be people around who will take this kind of horse as I though it might prove tricky to find something.


Well-Known Member
9 January 2007
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I don't think you'll struggle at all. Yes, an eventer will be most likely to do the job you want, although make sure it is someone already going to the sort of outings you want for your horse - someone who is out with a string to BE each week might actually be less likely to prioritise fitting in a range of activities for your horse.

I think, even though you will be away, a situation close to whomever will be keeping an eye on him would be best. Just deputise a friend to pop in now and again if you're not home regularly. Word of mouth is probably your best bet - ask at your RC, maybe even PC, local yards, instructors etc.


Well-Known Member
31 October 2006
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Thanks TarrSteps, my husband will be able to go and check on him and due to the nature of my long absence I will be asking for regular updates/photos etc.
I know what you mean re: an eventer, it will need to be someone at the lower levels who is used to producing nice ordinary sorts - not 4* prospects!