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My horse have been shoed for 9 years now, but due to an injury I'm turning her out for a year so she can stay outside 24/7 with friends. I think it will be good for her mentally because she is about to explode at the livery yard we are stabled at now. The heard she is turned out to are all barefoot and it is a requirement for her to be as well. So the question is; how to make this transition as good as possible? I don't think it's possible for me to slowly transition her because her paddock today is consistent of only gravel. I will have the farrier out to take the shoes off and trim her feet like barefoot feet and then haul her to the new place. Will that cause much discomfort for her? I am so worried she will get sore on all 4 feet and be in pain but I guess it will pass rather quickly? The new place consists of gravel around the gate and feeding place and the rest is grass