travel boots, tail guard abd rug if necessary. i will never travel my horse with out travel boots even tho he travels really well i once unloaded him and he had destroyed (straight through padding and everything) one of his hind boots. luckily he only had a few grazes on his leg but its keeps coming to me how bad it could have been
hmmm i should have added nothing as a final tick shouldn't i!
to be honest i didnt expect anyone to say nothing! not on H&H forum, i expected a telling off for not having a pair already lol you have proved me wrong!
Travel boots, over reach boots, rug (dependant on weather what I use), tail bandage, tail guard, roller (just in case). No poll guard as never hada problem with height
When travelling my horse, he wears:
- fleece rug on cooler summer days but if very hot then no rug (unless just been washed down) and thermatex on winter days
- travel boots (I have heard of / seen many incidents where horses have been in horrific accidents and the travel boots that they have been wearing have been ripped to shreds but their legs are not / only very slightly injured, and I hate to take any risks with my boy.)
- poll guard (because he used to rush out of the trailer and whack his head of the roof)
- tail bandage with tail guard over the top (tail bandage stops guard slipping and guard stops him rubbing his tail)
Yes, I know I am way OTT!
The young horse wears nothing.
My older horse wears boots and if it's cold will wear a rug. Never wears a poll guard and only wears a tail bandage if I am doing a dressage test.
A tail guard and a rug if needed. I stopped using travel boots 3 years ago when my mare became afflicted with severe, chronic, recurrant lymphangitis. My vet said that I should avoid boots and bandages due to the risk of the effected leg becoming warm. Touch wood, I have never had a problem.
Since I stopped using boots, there has been an incident on my yard of a horse somehow getting a travel boot caught on the panel in the lorry. It panicked and the result was it lost most a hoof
Given that, and that 'they' say that horses have better balance without travel boots, I may not go back to using them whether the horse in question has a 'gammy' leg or not!
Usually nothing, but on a long journey, I might use travel bandages after an event, rugwise depends on the weather, I always mean to put a tail bandage on but havent for so long I just forget!
I ticked the first three but I don't always use a rug unless it's really cold or the horse is sweaty/it's cold on the way home. In summer I wouldn't ever use a rug for travelling.