Travelling Issues - balance problem?


Well-Known Member
23 January 2015
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I do think it's a balance problem in most cases - although obviously if a horse is uncomfortable that may be a factor.
Horses are wider on their bodies than their legs, so in order to keep their balance they have to get their legs out beyond their hips - that's quite a wide distance.
When I had a trailer I travelled two horses perfectly happily for thousands of miles without a partition, I'd bandage them and put coronet boots on just to avoid any tread injuries but they were fine.
With a partition one would simply lie on his back under the breast bar and want to die.
Burnt the partition and never had another problem.
I think, like many things, it just takes one small hiccup to start a big issue, maybe a corner taken too fast, a slight panic over something, pain, and so on, and this then becomes a very difficult problem to solve.
We have one mare who is fine in a lorry herringbone but absolutely not able to travel in a trailer with a partition. I've yet to try her without as I don't have one to practice in,. I find in the lorry she's quite territorial and think maybe she's been bullied or kicked travelling, and when in a trailer she gets claustrophobic.


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10 July 2017
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Hi, my 15h cob who always travelled fine in forward ifor suddenly started climbing the walls thrashing about. after re-searching I brought a rear facing equi trek which fixed the problem. But then this summer she started thrashing about again, the only difference was she was on the near side of the road instead off, she came off sweating buckets the ventilation is crap on these. So I am now thinking about getting an ifor 510 and taking the partition out as you have suggested, I'm going to hire first, but I must say I'm really nervous about it as it was so bad before with the partition in. Should you have someone on the trailer with her just while I try it out or is that bad idea, should I just leave her to find her balance. Should you also cross tie? thanks