Tricky situation


Well-Known Member
12 January 2017
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Still getting three biscuits out the tin instead of two. Still find myself standing around aimlessly on walks even after the other two have come back and are in leads. Do the same at the back door at bedtime too. It’s really very very strange and I can only think it’s because it all happened so quickly and unexpectedly, which I’ve never been in the situation of before usually the end has come after a long journey. Totally opposite to how sensible I am usually, even when grief stricken. I suppose there is still such a degree of shock. The other two are truly depressed, corgi Sherman tank keeps having periods of throwing up which after a vet MOT has been put down to stress/being anxious - she still won’t allow us to move his bed etc. The elder rough is just very mournful. I am trying to keep them enjoying life and busy but it’s actually very tough, I’m finding the mundane every day dog stuff just seems to spring another leak.

Well wishers are suggesting looking for another pup/going on a waiting list - I’m just not sure. In truth, I don’t think I’ll ever be sure though after this one which again is odd as usually I’m the biggest advocate in another pup soon after losing one and always advise others this too - but this one really does seem to hurt. I know I don’t want another rough again, and there are no immediate breed thoughts in my head which indicates it’s probably going to be sticking at one oldie and one young un which will be the least amount I’ve had since….well forever. It’s tricky. I suppose I had a very different relationship with him to my other two, so feel missing that too.

Pointless post really, just helps to type it out sometimes. Thank you for all the PMs too - this board really is great.
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Well-Known Member
16 July 2010
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I am so sorry, its so hard losing a much loved dog. I have found that another will some how find you when you are ready.


Well-Known Member
13 June 2013
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It definitely takes some getting used to :( The getting another dog is a very personal thing and for some people it happens straightaway, whereas others need time. Don't pressure yourself either way. It can feel traitorous to even consider getting another after losing one, but we have big hearts and room for lots of dogs - we never replace one with another. I actually think it is a great compliment to the dog who has died that we choose to get another, but that is just me.
I feel your pain, and I hope it eases a little before too long.


Well-Known Member
12 January 2017
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It definitely takes some getting used to :( The getting another dog is a very personal thing and for some people it happens straightaway, whereas others need time. Don't pressure yourself either way. It can feel traitorous to even consider getting another after losing one, but we have big hearts and room for lots of dogs - we never replace one with another. I actually think it is a great compliment to the dog who has died that we choose to get another, but that is just me.
I feel your pain, and I hope it eases a little before too long.
Pretty spot on. This morning Gin was playing with a border terrier pal we always cross paths with on our walks, and the owner asked ‘where is the big daft chap’ - sprang a leak again before work. The other two miss him terribly too and show no signs of not moping, and now look at each other like a divorced couple who aren’t really sure what to say to each other anymore - which tickles me.