Trinny & Susanna me please


Well-Known Member
13 February 2008
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Right we have been doing a lot of shopping recently but my xc gear is still unacceptable.
Intermediate section - 9499

This is us. We need a new image as we prepare for our first intro. any suggestions please are welcome, I know b needs new overreach boots, I have just bought a new full set of aircooled boots for him, but it's mostly me, that's not looking cool

Now i'm the opposite of tall and slim, What would be ideal is this...if you page forward to photo 9561 in my section,I really liked her top, you can see the logo on both her hat and top which is just a little sketch of a horse jumping over a jump on them, i couldn't recognise the brand, really nice material, satiny strips down the arm. Now if I could get bottle green with red strips down the arms that would be cool. Does anyone recognise the make of her top is it likely to be a miranda theobald one? or would you have any other suggestions?

Also, my jods are too pale, they aren't white, more of a corn colour, but not very flattering at all. however, my new ones arrived today and they are much better, darker beige pikeur ones. Love them! would they go ok with a dark top or should i stick with a light top and darker jods. or darker top and lighter jods.

Please help fashion guru's, I know i shouldn't care, but i do!


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1 April 2002
Lovely Northamptonshire again!
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darker top (bottle green with red strips sounds nice) would be good with darker jodhs i reckon, more flattering.
black overreach boots would look much nicer, definitely.
no idea about the make of the xc top though, sorry!
looks like a lovely horse, have a great time round your Intro.


Well-Known Member
20 February 2008
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Miranda Theobald will make any combination for you: I have silky stripes running down my arms and around my hat silk
Agree re breeches, only thing I would say re horse apart from O/R boots is most people use a square saddle pad (usually white for competition) rather than saddle-shaped. No reason really but if you want to look like a pro I think that's the way to go


Well-Known Member
13 February 2008
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Thanks guys. TableDancer, does MT have a catalogue or any other stockists to have a browse or do you just have to order blind. (their phone line is closed until later this month), also do they do long sleeves? the only ones I have seen are short sleeves. And the big question, how much £ would I be looking at for a set from them?

It's just a prolite pad I normally ride with that i have on, I did have a white square in my bag to go under, which I normally use for shows, but my friend tacked up without it and we decided not to bother changing.

The shopping list for blair is getting long.

F x


Well-Known Member
20 February 2008
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MT do have a catalogue but only sell direct, no stockists. Prices depend on style you choose, you can have anything as they make everything to order so short, long, stars stripes etc all possible! Can't remember price I paid, but they're not the cheapest but at least it would be tailored to you and the quality is good.

Good luck!