Trying out a share horse- can i get pictures/videos?


Well-Known Member
29 July 2008
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I'm going to try out a horse for share (as ive mentioned many times) on the 26th, and would LOVE to get some pictures/videos of the horse ad me riding him. But, as some of you are horse owners, would the owner/you mind my sister videoing and taking pictures- possibly to be put on youtube or the internet?

Obviously i'm going to ask the owner before i start taking some, and completely understand if she says no, but was wondering what the overall opinion on it is.
I have a friend who has been to see two loan horses (one she has now), and both she was allowed to get pictures and videos.


Well-Known Member
9 January 2008
West Sussex
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When I have tried out horses to buy, and also selling, I am generally happy for people to video them riding - but I dont know if I would be happy on it being put on YouTube/Internet. Why would you want to put it on there? I think the point of videoing is so you can look back after to see how you look with the horse - dont see the reason to put it on the internet. Would definfatlet ask the owners permission first though.


Well-Known Member
29 July 2008
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I dont know if I would be happy on it being put on YouTube/Internet. Why would you want to put it on there? I think the point of videoing is so you can look back after to see how you look with the horse - dont see the reason to put it on the internet.

[/ QUOTE ]

Well, i'm trying to get other people's opinions on the horse, how i look and stuff too, as I have made bad mistakes in the past. So on youtube i have friends who can give their opinion on it. Also, I have a bebo account, which I would upload the pictures too. My account is private so no strangers can get on it.. but im not gunna rant on bout that. Also, on here, many people are extremely experienced and probably have a good idea of a nice suited horse and stuff.

Basically i would only be uploading pictures/videos onto the internet for other people's opinions.


Well-Known Member
9 January 2008
West Sussex
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Sounds fair enough - but would definately run it past the owners of what you want to do first, just in case they dont want their horse broadcast. Im sure they will be fine with it, but better to check just in case.


Well-Known Member
15 November 2006
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Hmm interesting question this.. totally agree if you were buying a horse this would be acceptable, as you are going to invest a lot of time and money.But for a share horse it's a bit different...are you going to meet the owner and horse the first time you ride?

I'm looking for a sharer for my 2 horses and I would want to meet and chat with the possible sharer first, away from the horse,just for a few minutes for the chance for both to meet and ask any questions. Emotions can take over a bit when a beautiful horse is standing there...

Next I'd introduce the horse if all had gone well in the chat.But I wouldn't expect a complete stranger to ride my horse the first time they met me and the horse, but I'm a bit slow with these things lol. I believe in taking a lot of time, and the possible sharer coming for a week to groom,handle,watch the horse being ridden, do groundwork and lunging.This is so both horse and person can get to know each other a bit, and for the safety of both. This way should ensure no serious 'mistakes', about the suitability of horse and rider are made on either side.

When the actual 'test ride' came up after this preparation,it's only then I'd expect a yes or no to the share from the possible sharer. If it's a yes then yes a video a month or so later ,when we know each other that bit more,so the rider can get confirmation how the horse is going and what she needs to tweak in her riding would be fine,if needed.But 'feel' is more important and can tell you more than any video, imo.

But I'd have a problem with a stranger wanting to ride my horse without putting in the groundwork or having any bond and asking to film it the same day too.We have to be so careful about security too, no offence intended,but you can't be too careful.But if the owner is happy to let somebody ride her horse shortly after meeting her for the first time then she may well let you film it too.

If you have to get lots of other peoples' opinions on somebodys' elses horse are you the right person to be thinking of sharing it?Again, no offence but I'd be a bit concerned as owner of the horse that the person didn't have the experience to decide for herself.

We all make mistakes and I admire your willingness to avoid the same mistakes, but imo filming isn't the way to make such a decision.It can be a help for 'tweaking' and assessing your riding,once you know the horse and have a bond but it's no replacement for hands on experience,putting the time in with the horse and 'feel'. The first time anybody rides a strange horse isn't the best,especially when horse and rider don't know each other from Adam and you could be horrified by the film,and miss out on a nice horse, another reason for not rushing these things.

I hope you find a nice horse and owner and form a great relationship with both,but this will take time,there's no rush. A weeks' trial before you both decide if you want to ride is only fair. A responsible owner will think about your safety as well as the horse. This has gone a bit off topic sorry but it's all linked to your question.

Best of luck


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15 August 2008
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i think taking pics etc is fine, but not to put on the net or face book unless the owner was totally happy with that. i know i wouldnt want some one, putting my horses on the internet.

I also have a lovely horse, that I am looking for a sharer for (due to my work commitments) 16.2h mare - Kent (medway area) if anyone is looking in the area?


Well-Known Member
29 July 2008
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Thankyou everyone,
obviously I would ask the owner first, but a few months ago i tried out another horse, and literally i arrived, left my dad in the car and walked up with the owner to the field, chatting about the horse and my riding on the way. We got her groomed then tacked up and rode, talking about the horse etc whilst doing so. It seemed a suitable way of going about things, the horse obviously wasnt what I was looking for, but it defineatly built my confidence. I know 5 people who have/had share horses, and their first meet with the horse and owner they rode.

Also, in reply in Leah- I am only getting other's opinions because I dont want to waste the owner's time. The owner had basically given up on finding a sharer until i phoned up, so I don't want to agree to it, and then stop because he was unsuitable. Its for the benefit of the owner as well and me.


Well-Known Member
12 May 2006
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I wouldnt even dream of it, as an owner I would say no, and would be severely put off anyone wanting to put videos of my horses on the internet.. :S


Well-Known Member
14 April 2007
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I'd be happy for photos or a film to be taken so you can see how you looked and did the horse go how you felt from the saddle that he or she went.

But for me videos on You Tube would be an absolute no no, and not especially keen on the idea of photos on the internet either.

Sorry, JMO.


Well-Known Member
18 May 2007
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Wierd to me that people are so against someone doing this. I wouldn't have an issue with it - someone is trying my horse for possible loan in a few weeks and if she wants to post pics/vids then fine by me. Basically because if I don't think she's suitable then whatever anyone says, she won't get the loan, and if it makes her feel better to post some pics/vids and for everyone to say I'm wrong, then what harm is there?!

I won't be spending weeks messing about with her - she will arrive (horse will be away at camp and she's trying him there because then she can try him on the flat, over SJ and out on the XC course), probably watch me ride him each time for 10 mins first, then get on with it. Her trainer (and boss) will be there, and ultimately as long as she doesn't do anything horrendous and her boss thinks it is a good match, that'll be the end of it. Mind you, I haven't even needed to advertise my horse, this is all word of mouth.

I am perfectly happy for her to post pics on the net at any point - I do it, why shouldn't she? If anything, it will keep the horse safer, as someone who know the horse is bound to see the pics and let me know if something is wrong! In fact, I don't think I'd even be cross if she didn't ask - to me a violation is someone riding without permission, not someone who has been given permission to ride sticking pics on the web. I wouldn't do it without asking, but equally I wouldn't be upset if in this day and age someone did that to me without asking.