Turmeric/Pepper Question


Well-Known Member
25 March 2013
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Hopefully, I'm going to have a few days away with the OH in the beginning of September. So excited as we don't get away much that I'm forward planning already!!!!

I'm going to make up 'pony ready meals' in advance so that all my helper will have to do is remember to soak the bucket contents and add the supplements. P's feed will be easy peasy, his are very simple. H's however, are not so simple (to the non-horsey helper) and he will need to have a small pot with each ready meal containing all the supplements for each feed. One of his extras is turmeric. Obviously he needs his freshly ground pepper and oil as well, so I was wondering if it would be OK to make up a small pot containing the three ingredients ahead of time? We will be away for 5 feeds worth of supplements, so would need to make this up the day before we leave. What do you think?

If I don't do this, chances are he won't get his turmeric, pepper and oil, or not correctly anyway as good though my helper is, he can get forgetful and I would prefer H to still be getting something approaching the correct ingredients rather than one or even all of them being missed.

Also, I am aware that this sounds a little like I don't trust my helper, and tbh - you're right - it's my father and he's getting on a bit - if he starts feeling stressed that's when he forgets stuff - hence the 'ready meal' idea to make it easier for him.


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2 February 2014
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could you switch him to linseed meal ahead of time and a ready made turmeric/pepper mix (such as the global herbs one)?


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1 May 2007
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As I understand it the pepper has to be freshly ground for the volatile oils which deteriorate fast. My livery leaves me her supplements (we use micronized linseed for the oils element) plus the pepper mill and I add the pepper as I am doing her feeds.


Well-Known Member
25 March 2013
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Just one slight hiccup to the linseed suggestion - he just refuses to eat it! Ever since being fed it and having a stomach tube of the stuff with a compacted colic I just can't get it into him.

I think I'll try with the pre-mix and hope for the best. At least the volatile oils may not escape quite so quickly if there are already mixed in with another oil (well I hope). If they do escape, although he might not be getting the full benefit for a couple of days, he'll at least still have the taste of the turmeric and pepper and so hopefully I won't have the problems I had to start with of getting him to eat it as H can be such a fussy eater :(


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8 November 2011
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I think for the sake of 5 feeds, I wouldn't stress too much. Yes the pepper should be freshly ground but I would just include it before if you think it may confuse matters. Also, interestingly, Doug English (vet who started the Turmeric User Group) has issued a recent discovery that Apple Cider Vinegar is also a good carrier for turmeric to be bio-available and works as an oil would. ACV also has many of its own health benefits.


Well-Known Member
25 March 2013
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I think for the sake of 5 feeds, I wouldn't stress too much. Yes the pepper should be freshly ground but I would just include it before if you think it may confuse matters. Also, interestingly, Doug English (vet who started the Turmeric User Group) has issued a recent discovery that Apple Cider Vinegar is also a good carrier for turmeric to be bio-available and works as an oil would. ACV also has many of its own health benefits.

Yes, I think I'm going to have to include it and take the risk of the pepper losing a bit of effectiveness. That's interesting about the Apple Cider Vinegar - I used to feed that but stopped when the vet recommended oil for a bit of extra energy rather than adding more hard feed.