Two day May weekend plans?


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16 March 2008
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Sad it's not a Bank Holiday this weekend!

We're meant to be at Calmsden on Sunday 🤞 weather and ground holds.
Then we're meant to be at Howick next week but already cancelled, now debating whether it is worth trying to enter anything else!

My partner's birthday tomorrow so I need to make a surprise cheesecake tonight!

Good luck everyone, whatever you're doing.


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5 February 2008
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Sad it's not a Bank Holiday this weekend!

We're meant to be at Calmsden on Sunday 🤞 weather and ground holds.
Then we're meant to be at Howick next week but already cancelled, now debating whether it is worth trying to enter anything else!

My partner's birthday tomorrow so I need to make a surprise cheesecake tonight!

Good luck everyone, whatever you're doing.
Hope it’s on - these are a long way apart mileage aren’t they? Ones near me and the other is miles away 😀

We’ve done our competing for this weekend - Windsor yesterday so just do some hacking and some home stuff.

Look forward to reports.


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24 April 2005
Well - the big event of the week has already happened, with the TB doing his (and my) first intermediate at Aston. We survived, we got an MER, lots of boxes ticked. Full video in the 'retraining ex racehorses thread'. Sadly on the way home my horsebox developed an emissions fault and started limping... had to be towed to my mechanics and horse brought back separately. Got back very late!

Was meant to be at Llanymynech with the 6yo in the 100, but without my own truck, and with him missing too much work this week because of the Aston delays I've decided against it (but big thanks to kind folks who have offered transport...). Instead, I'm going to settle into watching Eurovision on Saturday night instead!

We've got on-yard dressage competition on Sunday where the 6yo can do another Ele test - he's the only one in it, so it is already a guaranteed win at least :D

Ambers Echo

Still wittering on
13 October 2017
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Well done for Aston RF. That's brilliant.

Chatsworth AE today was cancelled which is shame.

I have a Joe Midgley session tomorrow. Comments at camp earlier in the week were really good: "she has developed muscle in all the right places....she is using herself better...she is more connected... she is more powerful behind...we are more of a partnership". I feel really happy with where we are and excited for this season. Assuming I get to run again eventually! I know we would have improved anyway just with time/training. But I really do credit the 'Joe Factor' for an awful lot of the changes. So am excited for that lesson. Then she and I both get a rest as I am going on a mini-break to Dorset tomorrow lunchtime. We will have earned it. I'm knackered.


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14 August 2011
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I’ve got a RC sj event on Sunday. Waiting on times still as they kept entries open later due to low numbers. So much of that happening at the moment. Hoping the weather improves for it!


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22 January 2014
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Finally have truck and trailer though spot the problem. Leveler says barely an inch out but I’ll be sorting a drop hitch thingy tomorrow. Then taking Boggle to Wyoming for some XC!

It’s been pouring with rain in Colorado so I feel the glue on easy shoes I had put on are pointless as the ground is soft. But we should get a few weeks of xc fun before it’s too hard again.

Excited to be mobile finally, stateside87BEA906-BF3A-44B0-84E6-4DCCE6D521DF.jpeg.


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14 October 2009
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Nothing, because the little ginger horror got clouted by his best mate in the field when being intensely annoying and it didn’t scan totally clear on Thursday so he's on a month of walking. Just as he's going the best he has ever gone and is as bursting out of skin with fitness 😩
I'm going to go and help @LEC get on her new Irish boys


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14 August 2011
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Very exciting Michen. Glue on shoes? Are those an alternative to hoof boots or more permanent so more like a replacement to shoes?


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13 March 2020
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Xc booked for tomorrow, however the battery on my box has died as I forgot to isolate it last time I used it! But I can’t get in it because the central locking isn’t working (didn’t even think about this!) and the key won’t unlock the door 😩 so I’m going to have to ring my insurance to come out and sort it, luckily I have breakdown and home start that covers my stupidity


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22 January 2014
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Very exciting Michen. Glue on shoes? Are those an alternative to hoof boots or more permanent so more like a replacement to shoes?

They are these, you can reuse them

They stay on for a shoeing cycle. I think I’ll just use them once or twice for this period whilst I do a bit with him (XC etc). Although his feet are great I didn’t want to risk him landing on a stone or something and bruising his feet up as I’m not familiar with the venues here.

In truth it was probably a little pointless and a waste of a couple of hundred dollars but I just wanted to be cautious as I’ve never evented him barefoot. Also it’s rained so much here I’m actually going to be quite glad to be able to put some little studs in!!


I used to be decisive, now I'm not so sure...
7 February 2013
Outstanding in my field!
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Nothing much competing wise, but we had a FAB ride out today. In 100 yds we met goats, a strimmer, a digger, a man mowing the lawn, a man pressure washing his drive, a barking dog and a hidden lawnmower.

Sadly, the camera is in a waterproof case and all you can hear is me bleating on about what a good boy BH is!

Also, as a result of the Joe Midgely lessons we are having, he has got a lot more flexible in his head about yielding. he used to get stuck even with 'equipment' on now he yields whenever, even in a casual environment, even if he has to toss his head.

So, I guess we have been training even if not competing!


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26 January 2011
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summer AM qualification done ✅

Bit disappointed with our score as he felt mega but hey ho… I guess the mistake we had coming out of the extended canter into the final flying change was much more expensive that I thought it would be given that I did manage to correct it. 🤷‍♀️

really pleased with how much more ‘up for it’ he felt since we spent most of our time at camp working on the connection and collection.



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15 March 2016
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Did Charlie's first affiliated 90 on Saturday at Llanymynech. More mixed than a bag of revels, dressage was a good start, got a bit on the forehand with a fair 33 that reflected that.
Sj, had a stop in the warm up and an unauthorised dismount. The doctor arrived after a wait to see me marching off to the medical tent as I was fed up waiting to be checked. He was quite happy to sign me off - landed pretty much on my feet. Then we had a very lumpy round, me behind and really driving as he just wasn't there somehow and had 4 down. We've had a couple of fab training sessions in the run up so I'm not sure what happened.
XC, warm up went well and set off feeling better but in my mind I wouldn't risk him if he felt off I intended to retire. He jumped the first 4 a bit meh but settled in to a rhythm and remembered he actually quite enjoys his job and the majority of the course felt great. Clear with 13 time, I had no intention of chasing time anyway so I'm really happy with that.
To be fair to him, not only was it his first aff 90 it was also his first event this year as my plan to run 80 at eland was rained off so maybe the step up felt a lot for him


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6 April 2009
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Did Charlie's first affiliated 90 on Saturday at Llanymynech. More mixed than a bag of revels, dressage was a good start, got a bit on the forehand with a fair 33 that reflected that.
Sj, had a stop in the warm up and an unauthorised dismount. The doctor arrived after a wait to see me marching off to the medical tent as I was fed up waiting to be checked. He was quite happy to sign me off - landed pretty much on my feet. Then we had a very lumpy round, me behind and really driving as he just wasn't there somehow and had 4 down. We've had a couple of fab training sessions in the run up so I'm not sure what happened.
XC, warm up went well and set off feeling better but in my mind I wouldn't risk him if he felt off I intended to retire. He jumped the first 4 a bit meh but settled in to a rhythm and remembered he actually quite enjoys his job and the majority of the course felt great. Clear with 13 time, I had no intention of chasing time anyway so I'm really happy with that.
To be fair to him, not only was it his first aff 90 it was also his first event this year as my plan to run 80 at eland was rained off so maybe the step up felt a lot for him

If it's any help I was at Llany too yesterday - their ground was absolutely superb - except for I felt the SJ warm up fences. I thought it felt like the ground had just gone a bit tacky, possibly where it had been used so much and was a bit surprised when I jumped the first couple of warmup fences as the rest of the ground everywhere else was so so good, that I hadn't expected the ground to be like that.

I popped minimal fences in the warmup as I just wasn't getting any good jumps over them and didn't feel like I was going to. So basically just saying that potentially if your only problem was the sj warmup (guessing that the sj round itself could have been a consequence of having just had a fall and bad warm up) then I'd possibly just think it was the ground and draw a line under it, especially as you say he'd been jumping so well recently.


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15 March 2016
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Thanks @Squeak I did think that about the ground. I'd studded, which I wouldn't usually on that ground but there was a lot of grass cover and he's a big lad so I was worried the corners might feel slippy. But then maybe the studs felt a bit concussive with it being firm 🤷‍♀️
I'm not over thinking it (too much) but will monitor for now


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25 February 2016
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Picked up new wheels last week so can now Go Places - except I'm skint. Did some practice loading yesterday. Baby cob stomped up making me hope the ramp was a robust as it's supposed to be. Microcob a bit more tentative but she associates them with vets so I was pleased. The Appy has been snorting at it since I parked it up but got her front legs on the ramp without bolting off so that's a start. Everything around here rained off anyway which is a shame because it's a lovely day.

So we did hacking although the cars this weekend made that more stressful than it needed to be. Also decided that Babycob in his ported bit is a fail so need to think again.

Hope everyone whose events have been cancelled gets to enjoy some time out soon.

Accidental Eventer

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5 April 2017
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I'm exhausted from dressage. The step up to Elem is HARD. We had a super lesson on Saturday, we are very much in a building phase right now. It is a lot of hard work for both of us (I need to stay accountable, and actually ask Henry to step up and work more) but then we get these glimmers and the feeling of how it should be and we are working less hard to get those moments.

Yesterday we had our training day and that was really hard. It's one thing training, its another thing putting it together in a test. The biggest thing we need is a better connection, which is my biggest flaw. I let henry fall on the forehand rather than keeping him up and into the contact, and when he pulls me down I let him. So no more of that! The technical parts were all ok, once we get the connection better I think the tests will come together well.

It was good to ride the whole test through in front of a judge and then have the judge talk me through what they are looking for. Then I rode through the test again and improved things but there is SO much more work to do! I feel inspired and exhausted all at the same time. I am also very glad I didn't register Hen to compete officially this year, I think it would be wasted to compete at this level, when we have so much work to do and dressage is not my forte at all.