'It's only a laugh, no harm done'
So I put a gushy post on Faceache about my old dog and how great he is at his age and how lucky I am to still have him and my other oldie still alive, fit and healthy.
Ten minutes later he is so excited about breakfast that he hurls himself against a door, which then smashes into my forehead. I am now sporting a comedy Tom and Jerry bump and - not that I am a hypochondriac - now freaking out that any slight ache or pain on my body is a sign that stroke or aneurysm is imminent....
Any tips for head injury aftercare, most welcome.....luckily I have a bag of peas in the freezer in work from the time his spawn dragged me up a set of steps and banjoed my knee.
Ten minutes later he is so excited about breakfast that he hurls himself against a door, which then smashes into my forehead. I am now sporting a comedy Tom and Jerry bump and - not that I am a hypochondriac - now freaking out that any slight ache or pain on my body is a sign that stroke or aneurysm is imminent....
Any tips for head injury aftercare, most welcome.....luckily I have a bag of peas in the freezer in work from the time his spawn dragged me up a set of steps and banjoed my knee.
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