UKSJ forum on fb


Well-Known Member
23 September 2009
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Does anyone else look at the posts in that forum and question their future in showjumping? I thought it was quite interesting when it started but now it's just the same people arguing about the same thing, the amateur/pro debate mostly. I admit BS has issues but tbh i feel sorry for them now having to put up with all these moaning members who are apparently never happy!


Well-Known Member
27 August 2008
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Actually I think it is a really good idea, and seems to have narrowed down a number of issues that BS members are fed up about. Yes the pro/am debate is raging on, it's that time of year, but there are far more solutions coming up, which will be presented to the BS. Other issues, such as sport-jumping, pro-rata prize funds, entry fee caps, stabling costs, ranking lists etc are also hot topics.

At least it shows members are being pro-active and not grumbling to one another and not doing anything about it. It also shows that there are lots of people interested in change, and getting anyhting done is going to take volume. When the AGM attracts 50 attendees out of a 14000 membership body, the BS Committee have always been able to do what they liked, as no-one opposed them. Now, thanks to social media, it looks as if the Arab Spring is coming to Stoneleigh!

Good on Lia, Charley and the others involved.


Well-Known Member
23 September 2009
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I agree it's a good idea and there are some very good points being made i just feel that the good points are being over shadowed by pointless arguing and BS bashing at times. Alot of posts seem to end in an often unrelated bitchy comment fest. I don't know, maybe that's just humans for you but as someone who was all for it at first to someone who now wont bother to look at it i just wondered if anyone else felt the same.


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31 July 2005
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I enjoy reading it. I think maybe it has been unfortunate the BS have had some bloopers recently, eg 6YO at W&W and the new back boots rule. But maybe this group will help them appreciate how they need to start getting things right first go, and make things clear, as they are being discussed, which they always were before, but now it is visible.


Well-Known Member
30 September 2005
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There are always going to be conflicts....of interest.....personality etc when many people come together on an unregulated forum such as the above. What is apparent though is that there are a lot of people out there who know little about how BS works as an organisation, little about the relationship between show centres and BS and little outside their own little bubbles.

BS members are made up of a diverse cross section of society, all who want their own 'something' from showjumping. If nothing else comes of the forum i think it is doing a fabulous job of sharing information and going some way towards helping us all understand different points of view. Can only be a good thing in my opinion.

I do agree the pro/am debate has been done to death....but it does suggest that that is the single biggest bone of contention among the members.


22 February 2010
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I've just read recent comments on this Forum about the UKSJ Forum. Whilst I agree that a Forum for members gives them a voice and we are all entitled to our opinions, recent personal comments on the UKSJ Forum are, quite frankly, not acceptable. The moderators of the UKSJ Forum should be more ready to .... well, moderate, the comments that are made. When members are rude and using bad language on a Forum, particularly about individuals is not on and almost borders, at times, as being libel. I used to be a member of BSJA and, even though not a member now, still support them and their work. The current members would be wise to remember that the officials they are criticising and, at times, being rude about are mostly volunteers only being paid expenses ...... if they were not around - there would be no British Showjumping.


Opinions are like bum holes, everyone has one.
22 July 2005
I really like the UKSJ forum. I have found it really enlightening especially as Rambo mentions about things that would not occur to me. If it makes BS be more proactive with its membership then great! I think the one thing that is often missing with all these organisations is communication and its not that hard to do with social media.
I wish eventing had one similar. The problem with eventing though is too few have the power which means you can be effectively black listed from the sport so I think people are less inclined to make waves.


Well-Known Member
19 January 2011
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i probably shouldnt say this but BS are doing a far better job than most know - the recent post about all the changes taking place wasnt totally down to the forum as the working party groups that were put in place had already talked about most of them and they were agreed before the forum even started. Yes its good in one way but the BS dont desserve the slating they are getting as there are good people in there and they are trying to change things for the good of the sport but there are also others invloved that dont have the interest of the sport at heart so its not so easy.


22 February 2010
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I totally agree Escada. BS are doing their best ..... they don't always get it right and I think they would be the first to admit that. As I said, everybody is entitled to their opinion and to have their say but what really concerns me about this particular Forum (UKSJ) is the rudeness, bad language and personal attacks that are being conducted with no moderation.


Well-Known Member
19 January 2011
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You are so right there thespider - there are a few people on there that take things way too far and like you say the personal attacks arnt necessary at all. It does anger me but i have to bite my tongue as last time i spoke out i got a nice PM from a certain person!! I will comment on the 'normal' posts but stay clear of the bitching and slating etc, its all about a power thing and there are people on there that think they are better than BS and can do a better job, god help us if those people get voted in :(


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13 September 2007
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There are a few admirable people on there really trying to make a difference to our sport and they are actually getting some results. Apart from that, there is always going to be a bunch of semi-literate whingers with no constructive advice to offer, as well as people who just enjoy a bit of banter about trivial subjects such as the tightness of men's breeches! :D

I really think the people who started the forum are doing their best to moderate it but keeping it completely under control would be a full time job by now - we all know how much people in the horse world like to complain and slag each other off, and lets be honest - show jumpers aren't exactly known for being the most well-educated, polite and articulare bunch... :D

I'm really grateful that we have some people that are willing to try and make a difference though, so props to them! :)


22 February 2010
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Once again ....... I agree. My quibble isn't with those who are trying to make a difference and want to work hard for the sport. My quibble is with those people who use offensive name calling and bad language (albeit the minority) and the self appointed moderators, who need to keep a tab on things that are being said. The term 'keyboard warriors' comes to mind for some of these name calling people ..... I don't think they would be quite so brave in a meeting room. Again ...... I reiterate ........ I am not against a Forum ......... I am not against people having and airing their own opinions ....... I am not against the members having a voice ...... I am against rudeness and personal insults being thrown at people that are trying to do a good job. There is no need for it!


Well-Known Member
19 January 2011
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Once again ....... I agree. My quibble isn't with those who are trying to make a difference and want to work hard for the sport. My quibble is with those people who use offensive name calling and bad language (albeit the minority) and the self appointed moderators, who need to keep a tab on things that are being said. The term 'keyboard warriors' comes to mind for some of these name calling people ..... I don't think they would be quite so brave in a meeting room. Again ...... I reiterate ........ I am not against a Forum ......... I am not against people having and airing their own opinions ....... I am not against the members having a voice ...... I am against rudeness and personal insults being thrown at people that are trying to do a good job. There is no need for it!

This^^^^^^^^^ for me to :)


New User
24 May 2011
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I find that its quite difficult to have an opinion on there if it doesn't match the 'opinion leader's' vision for BS.. and a couple of the moderators get very personal..ok, so we are all passionate about the sport, I get that..but theu need to keep it a lot more unbiased and level - They can't expect people to follow when they have the social skills akin to someone from Jezza Kyle..? think I will stick with Iain and the gang! :p:p:p:p:p:p:p:p


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24 May 2011
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Oh and the amount of posts that have been deleted just because one certain person didn't like the content - and it gave a good argument back re constitution...