Well-Known Member
I'm currently full loaning a connie x tb who I thought was perfect but anyway turns out he has relatively bad stomach ulcers and mild hind gut ulcers which his owner is paying the treatment for ( I didn't know he had ulcers before loaning him). His re scope is next week. They don't know what caused the ulcers, his owner seems to think it was from a hunt yard he was at a couple years ago when he was in 24/7 and apparently quite stressed, but he has been out 24/7 since with hay when he needs it, so not sure that's what would have caused them. He has also had a sore back on and off since I've loaned him first thought it was the saddle so got that re flocked and it got a bit better but recently has a sore back again. I've had the physio multiple times aswell, he was quite sore/tight everywhere but said he felt better the 2nd time she came. He hasn't improved that much since being on the gastroguard a little bit less girthy and his poos are less sloppy, He is still very shut down. I've asked his owner if she would x ray his back while he was getting re scoped but she said she can't afford it. I'm not sure if I should carry on loaning him as his ulcers aren't going to get better while his back is still sore, I know ulcers can cause back pain but don't thinks its that. Just wondering what you would do? As I'm really stuck as what to do. I could pay for the x ray? Or just stop loaning him which wouldn't bother me that much as don't I don't like being around him that much as he is so shut down. I wouldn't have another horse for a couple years as had so much sh*t luck. Sorry for such a long post. Thanks everyone