Ulcerated Eye


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30 November 2018
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My TB has had an ulcer in his eye for about 10 days. The vet has been out nearly every day and he's had atropine, chloramphenicol, a steroid injection, eye lens (lasted 2 days) and bute. Hes not insured but I'm running out of ideas and the vet has now mentioned removal of the eye. I think that sounds a bit rash after 10 days. Any suggestions?


Well-Known Member
25 April 2020
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Eye infections, ulcers etc are incredibly painful for us and horses, so I'd imagine if everything has been thrown at it, removal would be the best option.

I'm sure there is something along the lines of plasma that's made from their own blood (I'm clueless) that has had good success rates. Maybe enquire and see if this is worth a go before removal.

Our old pony had an ulcerated eye and it was difficult to shift - it transpired that he had Cushings and the magic pink pill worked wonders.
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Well-Known Member
6 December 2004
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Taking the eye out is a humane option - if you can't stretch funds to referral to an ophthalmologist. Specialist antibiotics can get very pricey for eyes when not responsive to the more usual ones.

Has your vet done a smear or other diagnostics (culture etc) to confirm the ulcer is bacterial and not fungal and identify what you are trying to treat?

The plasma mentioned above is literally just drawing blood, separating the plasma by centrifuging or settling and drawing off the plasma for topical use in the eye. Can help promote healing and pretty cost effective


Well-Known Member
20 February 2008
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My last horse had recurring eye ulcers. One of the early ones wouldn't heal so my vet sewed her eye lids together to keep the eye closed. Apparently blinking keeps the ulcer from healing. She was on box rest for about a week and then started to rub the stiches out. The vet came and took the rest of the stitches out and the eye had healed.


10 June 2019
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I had this issue with my Fell pony. Long story, he lost that eye (after two years) and one time developed an ulcer on the other eye, with second ulcer I also kept him in a dark stable and in addition held a small ice pack on his eye lid a few times a day. Thankfully it did heal. I had an ulcer on my cornea once. They are incredibly painful and being out in daylight/bright light was v painful.


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26 October 2013
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Long time lurker here:

My mare had an eye ulcer that wouldn't clear up, luckily (?) a fellow livery had had the same a few years previously and their vet (who had some contact with the AHT) suggested doing a Cushing's test. That mare came back with a very high result and was treated with Prascend. The ulcer cleared up very quickly. On hearing this my vet was a bit dubious but willing to do a test and see what the result was. My mare was higher than average, but not too high, but the Vet agreed a course of Prascend and the ulcer cleared up in two weeks. As well as this she had antibiotic creams and then steroid creams.

Both mares only had a course Prascend and then were taken off it, both were fine.

Definitely worth a chat with your vet regarding cushings and the effect it has on healing.

I'll go back to lurking now! Good luck!