Einstein would be proud of my Insanity...
That’s most untrue and unfair. There is plenty being done. Nobody on here that I know, is a vet. I am doing everything my vet is telling me, the vet I trust implicitly, the vet who has actually trained to do this and who I pay a considerable amount of money to for her expertise.
I posted asking had anyone experience of this and whilst I welcome comments and views I do not welcome the opinion that nothing is being done when I have explained repeatedly what is being done.
I can guarantee he is receiving the best care at this time. I do not know if he is in pain, I said he is acting that way, equally he could be just royally peed off at his sheath constantly being manhandled.
‘We cannot just pop him on Bute as he has hepatitis, the Bute has before triggered an hepatic flare which leads to more fibrosis of his liver. Benefits versus risks always. If for one hot minute i believed he was In dire pain, I would give him pain relief and deal with the rest but for now, my vet and I have agreed not yet.
I genuinely can see where you are coming from but please believe my horse is getting the very best of care. Everything that can be done is being done for now.
I dont understand how you can say this if your vet has not even been out to see him?