Unrealistic daily routine?


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3 January 2014
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Presumably you are paid in £££ or in kind for changing rugs, putting boots on and turning out three other horses.

In terms of the sweeping, would it not be quicker to pick ever horses’ feet out, and just sweep each door back in?

And if need to move hay, put it in a bag (e.g. Ikea to some large carry bags) and don’t make any mess? Or in a barrow.

No not paid in £££, my horse is taken in at 3pm for me. no rug changing or anything for her she is just put in her stable. It helps me by turning them out as well otherwise she would be in the field on her own for an hour or two and the field she is in has no visibility of other horses.
It probably would be quicker to pick out feet but the owner of the yard specifies the yard is swept clean am and pm. regardless if I picked out their feet I would still have the sweep the areas they have walked on. She is a little bit OCD to be honest but the yard always looks amazing!


Well-Known Member
7 November 2005
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No not paid in £££, my horse is taken in at 3pm for me. no rug changing or anything for her she is just put in her stable. It helps me by turning them out as well otherwise she would be in the field on her own for an hour or two and the field she is in has no visibility of other horses.
It probably would be quicker to pick out feet but the owner of the yard specifies the yard is swept clean am and pm. regardless if I picked out their feet I would still have the sweep the areas they have walked on. She is a little bit OCD to be honest but the yard always looks amazing!

Would your horse not be happy with one friend in the field, ideally the one with quickest rug, and quickest boots. And leave the other two in? Save time.


Well-Known Member
2 July 2009
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5.15am up and on yard
6.30am back in for breakfast and feed cat
7am 20 min nap
7.45am out the door for work
5.45pm back home from work (unless teaching in which case 8.30pm)
11pm bed

At the weekends I'm up at 6am as like to go for a swim first thing.

I also run my own business as well as working full time and home life isn't the most straight forward.

If you want something enough, you'll do whatever it takes. I really don't get people who act like they'll croak in they don't get a perfect 8 hours sleep. No one remembers the nights you went to bed early. Life is too short to sit around.

ETA reading post above, I agree. I prefer to get up a little earlier than necessary and know I have 20/30 mins spare time should anything happen (IE cat has made a mess or fence has blown over etc etc). It's much easier than running round blue in the face.

See I think life is too short not to have time to stand and stare or alternatively have time to snuggle with my cats first thing in the morning 😁. I've done the try to fit everything in approach but frankly I found it tiring and dissatisfying. Work needs mean I need the flexibility to travel Mon-fri anyway so I only do weekends now. I'm probably a bit of a dreamer overall.

What is this life if, full of care,
We have no time to stand and stare.
No time to stand beneath the boughs
And stare as long as sheep or cows.
No time to see, when woods we pass,
Where squirrels hide their nuts in grass.
No time to see, in broad daylight,
Streams full of stars, like skies at night.
No time to turn at Beauty's glance,
And watch her feet, how they can dance.
No time to wait till her mouth can
Enrich that smile her eyes began.
A poor life this if, full of care,
We have no time to stand and stare.


Well-Known Member
20 September 2009
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I get up at 5.30am and I'm down yard by 5.55 (10min drive), turn out, muck out etc and home by 6.50/7am. I then get ready for work/ have breakfast and walk to work for 7.45. I finish work between 5-6pm and then back up yard to ride and finish stable. I'm home between 7-8pm, have tea and then usually have work related paperwork to do! Luckily my daughter is at uni and my husband works away during the week so no other commitments! I always look forward to school holidays though to recharge batteries 😊


Well-Known Member
3 July 2016
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This thread often comes up on H&H. Seriously, who are you people??? :p
'I get up at 2am, walk the dog, muck out 6 horses, commute 3 hours, work a 10 hour shift, finish the horses, acknowledge my husband and then fall asleep at midnight'.
No thank you!