Update on Lari - saddle fit


Well-Known Member
18 January 2021
West Mids
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Well the saddle fit went very well and I managed to get a super Ideal Apex saddle for Lari on Friday afternoon. I used Nigel Bexon from Balmoral Equestrian in Worcestershire.

Nigel was amazingly thorough and asked about Lari's history as well as what I wanted to do with him in the future. I explained all about the issues we'd had with the saddle that hurt him previously and the accident he had when he made his already damaged SI joint worse. He looked at his musculature (my physio had already spoken to him about Lari and explained about all the rehab I'd done with him) and after trying on a number of saddles found the Ideal was the best fit.

So he padded it taking into account the trapezius muscle atrophy at the side of his shoulder blade. I think it was called a drop panel?? So it had extra depth and shape to fill in the gap. This atrophy may have been caused by previous poor saddle fit long before I owned him. So he flocked the saddle in a special way to take into account the atrophy and provided me with a 'Acavallo fish eye gel pad' to help compensate for the lack of trapezius muscle.

So with the aid of a lovely pro rider on our yard we lunged him with the saddle and he was very fresh. The saddle never budged an inch which was really good to see. So after 20 mins and no sign of him calming down it was decided to get on him on the yard rather than the school. So the rider leant over him and then slowly put her leg over him and walked him a little bit. He looked a bit anxious to start with, no doubt remembering the old saddle and the pain it had caused him but soon relaxed. So that was a rider on board after 3 months on not having been ridden and just doing ground work. So we were very pleased with him. I long reined him around the yard on Saturday afternoon with the saddle on and he was very good, seemed very happy with it, so its a huge relief.

The plan is that the lady will ride him twice a week in the school and once a week on a hack in company to get him started. She will do this for a minimum of a month before the saddle fitter comes back out at which point I will sit on him and he can then see the fit of the saddle. Delighted with him. Huge thank you to rider *** and to Nigel Bexon at Balmoral for his incredible knowledge and patience in getting a great fit for my lovely horse.


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Well-Known Member
18 January 2021
West Mids
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Aw thank you everyone. That's really kind. Yes its been a bit of a slog and I still intend to keep the ground work and the rider up once a week when I'm back on board. Just so I can maintain the topline and make sure he's using activating his core as much as possible to support his frame.

I need to learn how to ride him so I can ask him to use himself properly and push himself from behind as he has a tendency to drop behind the vertical and hold his head low (from distant memory anyway!).

Exciting times ahead I hope. :D


Well-Known Member
18 January 2021
West Mids
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Great news B!

I remember reading about your rehab regime and thinking that it sounded like a real slog! Your commitment to it has paid dividends though.

Looking forward to seeing you on board! ?
Thank you. Yes I'm looking forward to sitting on him again.

I do enjoy doing the groundwork to an extent but it's not my first choice in activity lets put it that way lol. Its hard to motivate yourself in the cold after a day of work, but its nice to see him learning.

Last week I managed to teach him that being sloppy and knocking the raised pole resulted in no treat at the end of the 'round' which was a few scattered poles before going down a grid of about seven poles with every other raised. I kid you not, he soon cottoned on and realised if he picked up his feet he got a treat! When we did the raised poles I also picked up my legs extravagantly going over the poles with him so we managed to do it together in tandem, both picking up the left leg and then the right leg at the same time which I thought was pretty impressive.

Clever horse, he's been round the block a bit but I'm aware that with this there is also a downside and as clever as he is at learning how to get a treat out of me, I know he can be clever in using his brain against me too so I will have to watch out, especially when I start to ride him again! :D
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Well-Known Member
18 January 2021
West Mids
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Glad you're getting somewhere, that doesn't look like a drop panel, but might have front gussets ie extra pieces of leather in the very front of the panel to make it more 3D?
I'm useless Sbloom as he went to great lengths to explain to me about what it was called and what it was for and I think I remember he said it was for horses with high withers that had atrophied over the trapezius but don't quote me on that!

I think I was just so excited about seeing him sat on again that everything I was told went in one ear and out the other!