update on 'liver disease'


Well-Known Member
9 July 2008
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whew!!!!!!! well it seems from the 3rd blood test results that liver function is returning to normal - but - white blood cells and something else?! can't remember was in a bit of a daze... were not normal meaning that smokey most likely is getting over/has a virus. so, here we go again - i'm non the wiser!! have to wait until smokey is sound (he has an abcess under his frog) and excercise him again - if he is still lethagic we'll take it from there. i'm keeping up with equisup to support his liver and milk thistle. is there anything else i could do?? guess it's just a case of monitoring his condition now.


Well-Known Member
1 May 2007
Deepest Wales
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Keep him on a low protein diet with B vits supplement until you know he has the all clear. A low protein diet - with the protein that he DOES have being of the highest quality - will give his liver less work to do until it's fully recovered. The B vits (Yea Sac is good) will aid hind gut digestion which is compropmised in liver damaged horses, and act as an appetite stimulant. You're lucky that your ned doesn't have any pink skin so photosensitivity shouldn't be a problem.

I'm so pleased for you and your boy that it isn't ragwort poisoning. The liver is an amazing organ and can regenerate even after terrible damage. But it can't regenerate after ragwort poisoning. I'd certainly monitor his eating, energy levels, weight and general attitude to life. As his liver improves, he should perk up and start to take more of an interest again. Let us know how he's doing x


Well-Known Member
9 July 2008
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thanks so much for advice. can't tell you how pleased i was when is spoke to the vet (laughter and tears at the same time!)- still a way to go yet i feel - but i'm happy it's not ragwort. his eyes still look jaundiced and he still seems tired - will keep you posted. x


Well-Known Member
13 June 2008
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i am so pleased for you if you need any more info or help please dont hesitate to contact me again please keep me informed about your horse. when his the next lot of bloods due to be taken?


Well-Known Member
24 June 2008
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Fantastic news and what a handsome horse!

Jake was thought to have kidney problems 2 blood tests (one fasted 12 hours) and a urine test show that he had a viral infection, a bit of inflammation from his arthritis and slightly raised kidney enzmes.

In other words his kidney function is returning to normal. Have started him on a very low protein diet, milk thistle and cut out Alfalfa from his diet and reduced the oil/fat. He will be on this now for life.

Its such a relief to have good news!! So happy for you and the handsome Smokey x


Well-Known Member
9 July 2008
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thanks for your good wishes!
i have to phone my vet in a couple of weeks - hopefully by then smokeys abcess will be cleared up and i can start light excercise to see how he is. i'm aiming to have another blood test done in about 6 weeks as long as no more problems arise.