Update on new horse not settling... more problems!


Well-Known Member
21 May 2006
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I agree with FMM I'm afraid - yes you should let horses get on with it (why I personally don't agree with single sex fields) but as someone who's lost a dominant gelding through being kicked, I think I'd be wary if a new mare came into our yard and acted the same.

Can they not run a line of electric fence in between the fence and the mares field to keep her away from the main fence? She'll settle down ......... x


Well-Known Member
3 October 2006
chesterfield, derbyshire
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I think that it is the boys that have brought her into season.... and with it being her first time out the boys were bound to get excited, but if you dont turn her out this is only going to happen next time. so i say turn her out and they will get used to her being there, and just graze......


Well-Known Member
12 September 2006
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Put it this way, you were accepted on the yard, they all know the score when a new horse comes along.

Natural behaviour which will quickly settle down. If they are all giving you a hard time, I would simply say, "fine, but if I go, another horse will come and you will have to go through it all again".

People worry when they see their horses galloping around etc and see potential accidents. This is normal, we all want to avoid situations. However if a yard is using two fields and not offering alternatives, then all the people on that yard accepted the deal and have to live with it.

The deal this yard is offering does not sound particularly good, I would personally look for a better yard for alternative paddock arrangments that are well managed.

If that is not possible, grit your teeth, dont be hanging around waiting for them to all come up to you, by doing this you are putting yourself in the firing line. I would come, go, do what is necessary and get gone. If you are not there for long periods, they cant have a go and things will quickly settle down.

Dont stand apologising, its a new yard and you need to fit in, so "less said, the better". The less you are there and say, the less they can moan.

Good luck