Update on possible trashing of x-ray machine


Well-Known Member
8 May 2006
Cornwall, UK
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Well, we had our mare x-rayed today with vet on hand in case sedation was needed. She had x-rays done 2 years ago and was not at all happy with the procedure and nearly wrecked the machine. Today she was a completely different horse and stood still, with foot on a block of wood, while the x-rays were done.
No sedation needed - yeh hey

The outcome was that she has got non-articular ringbone in one foot, nowhere near the joint, and has a bony spur near the joint which seems to be causing the occasional lameness. The condition hasn't worsened in the last two years (much to the vets surprise) and she can still do light work. The other foot also has some bony spurs but they are not near the joint so we are feeling rather pleased as we were expecting it to be a lot worse. It just means that when she is having her occasional 'lame' day then she won't be ridden.
Only nasty surprise we got was when the bill was produced - it was 3 times more than last time due to the machine being upgraded to a digital one!
Oh well, it was worth it to know exactly whats going on in the feet and to treat her accordingly.


Well-Known Member
25 January 2006
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Absolutely - it's such a relief to know what you're dealing with. The worse thing is an ongoing unexplained lameness.

My horse was nearly PTS earlier this year - we just had the MRI as I was insured for it, and to know for sure waht was going on. Although all sorts of nasties were discovered, none were categorically terminal, and in knowing what we were dealing with, we have proceeded accordingly and the horse is almost 100% again, and enjoying a wonderful summer she would have missed out on!

I LOVE x-ray/MRI technology!


Well-Known Member
8 May 2006
Cornwall, UK
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crikey, that is good news. A different vet told me to have mine pts after having the first x-rays but I'm so pleased we had another opinion. We were told to try getting some weight off her and see how things progressed. We did this and she is far far less lame than she was 2 years ago, which is just as well as she didn't respond to bute!


Well-Known Member
26 July 2006
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Ahh good news. Maybe your horse was happier to be x-rayed because she wasn't soo sore??? It must be horrible being asked to stand on a block if your sore in that foot. I know it was horrible trying to get x-rays of my friends severly laminitic horse (which sadly then had to be pts on boxing day - Lami brought on by frosted grass), she was very good, but it was obviously painful.