Update on Ruby Treasure - and power of HHO


Well-Known Member
21 January 2009
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Very true. There is definitely a bit more curve on his bum that wasn't there before and his pot belly is shrinking :) but on the other hand the weigh tape is showing no gain :confused:

Remember that a weigh tape is our most accurate way of estimating weight, unless you are lucky enough to have a weigh bridge. But it is only a guide and as you are only measuring the circumference of the horse in one place, it is not perfect. If the horse puts on weight elsewhere first, then it wont show. Also, anything with a wither isnt as accurate as a roly poly pony imo. Thats because the wither holds the tape away from the body and the hollows under the tape can be filling in but the tape isnt measuring them. On a round shaped horse the tape will be wrapped to the body the whole way round, so more accurate.

As the Op says- use photos That will help. A weigh tape is useful but should be used with condition scoring, as it isnt perfect.

OP- well done for all your efforts:)

Mince Pie

Well-Known Member
13 June 2011
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Jeez and this horse was for sale like that. Shame on the person selling her and whoever let her get into that state!!!!!!!!!

Well done Janet and EMW for the hard work with this mare. She looks soooooo much better already :)
Well done xx
The person selling her was IIRC a dealer called Nigel, the horse came to him like that and apparently she put weight on at his yard before going to JG.

Brownmare I also had a very underweight TB over the summer. A good way of checking for weight gain is to take photos every week - one from each side and one from the back. I'd also highly recommend ready mash extra or solutions mash from Rowan and Barbary.

JG What a difference in that little mare, so happy to hear that she is coming on so well, but still a long way to go :( Well done for all your hard work, and to EMW as well.


19 July 2011
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I've just sat and read through both previous threads and I just had to say it brought a tear to my eye. I'm so glad Ruby is now in a safe home with a secure future, well done to all involved in getting her back on her hooves! That before pic is just so awful, it makes me so sad that she was allowed to get to that point in the first place. Well done EMW!


Well-Known Member
20 August 2007
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Fantastic progress Janet! Thank you for the update, I often think of how she is doing great to see the weight gain and to hear that she is happier. :D


Well-Known Member
25 June 2001
Shropshire/Worcs. borders
A good way of checking for weight gain is to take photos every week - one from each side and one from the back. I'd also highly recommend ready mash extra or solutions mash from Rowan and Barbary.

Good point on the photos - wish I'd done it from the start (but time is always short!)

And the R&B ready mash is excellent! I have an old brood mare on it - she lost shedloads of weight rearing her last foal and although her teeth have been regularly done since I've had her, they are now showing their age!! She's doing very well on the mash. I did try Ruby on it - but she didn't fancy it much - so as her teeth were fine (once done) I didn't persist!