Update on stressed horse


Well-Known Member
2 January 2005
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Well after everyones advice here on Thursday i decided to get down the yard nice and early on Friday so i could see what my mare was like with just me on the yard.

Unfortunatly i got there too late and people were already on the yard
and they were quick to come running and tell me how 'naughty' my horse had been. I took one look at her stable and nearly cried. The whole back wall was smashed to pieces and she had 2 tiny cuts on her legs. Apparently Ellie went out of site (she lives out in the front paddock but managed to get into the big field as someone hhad left the gate open) and Senza lost the plot. Everyone had to stand back and just watched as she was too dangerous to go anywhere near whilst someone ran to grab Ellie to bring her back into view.

I got there and she was still not settled, i brought her out of her stable and she was cantering on the spot, rearing, kicking out, scraping, throwing herself about and i just didn't know what to do to calm her down. I had the saddle man coming so i couldn't turn her out and this lasted over an hour until he went and she was able to go out in the field.

I spent all yesterday rebuilding my stable and came to the conclusion she is better off out 24/7 til she starts to settle into a routine.

I brought her & Ellie in today to ride whilst the other 2 were out and she was still stressing, neighing, scraping and running around whilst tied up but once i was on she was fine. Then after i had ridden she stod quitely whilst i groomed and made a fuss of her until i turned her back out.

Aparently when my friend brought her 2 in last night she was stressing at the gate for about 5mins but then wondered off to eat and stayed out with Ellie quite happily.

I am just hoping that her being out whilst she settles will do the trick, if not then i really dont know what else to do. I have been told by various people that this is so out of character for her but she is used to being on big yards and our yard only has 4 horses on it so maybe thats why

Anyway in the mean time i am also going to try and get either some rubber matting or carpet to put on the back wall for when she comes back in.

Thanks for all your advice guys


Well-Known Member
21 May 2006
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I find that if I want to ride in the morning or do anything with Ty, it's best to turn him out for an hour - it takes the edge off.

Ty is def more 'fizzy' around other horses than being on a riding school - i think it's because they get to have more of a friendship with a small amount of horses than being in a large herd.

I can't understand why she's getting so agitated when all the horses are still in the stables - or are they still not turning her out first?


Well-Known Member
7 July 2005
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Just thought Id let you know about my friends horse. He was great on a busy yard which was next to a main road but when he was moved to a small yard with 10 horses he weaves like mad in the stable and is frightenned of his own shadow. This horse used to hack down busy roads but now he gets so upset hes unsafe on the quiet bridleway. All I can think is theres nothing now to occupy his stressed outlook on life whereas before there was that much going on he didnt get chance to be stressed.
I really hope your horse settles.


Well-Known Member
18 November 2004
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Just a random one.... did you change her feed when you bought her? Wonder if there is something that's not agreeing with her. I've seen horses react to certain cereals in a similar way when their diet was changed......


Well-Known Member
21 May 2006
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I was going to mention feed.

That's a good point about the yard - if she's a stressy horse it may not have shown up in a manic busy yard......


Well-Known Member
16 May 2005
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Oh Kelly1982, I am really sorry you went down to that! It's the last thing you needed when you were trying to get there early...

I think rubber matting would definitely be an idea, and how about putting her on a calmer while she settles in to her new home. I used to have to do this with Hannah for the first few weeks in a new home (valerian actually) and it certainly helped!


Well-Known Member
27 October 2005
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I too thought about the feeding and putting her on some sort of calmer. Keeping her out is a good idea too.
My heart goes out to you as I`ve been in a similar situation, but not as bad as your mare is being. In time she will settle. Is it an option to move her to a busier yard?
Another thing, I put a mirror (sheet of aluminium) on my stable wall and it was her `best friend`, although she is used to it now, but it did the job when I needed it.
I hope everything turns out ok for you.