Update on yard


Well-Known Member
28 November 2006
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My advertisement went out today about the horses, have had alot of replies, and a good few people coming this weekend to view them. Im really sad about it but has to be done.

Had farrier out last night for Mo and he seen Jacada, he said that if he hadnt just taken on a foal he would have taken her. Said she was gorgeous, preferred her over Romi - grrr.

Ive advertised for a new yard or field, not had anything yet. The same ad is going out in a different paper on monday, so might have more success from it.

Last thing to do is value Finn


Hes my wee man, hes going to be the hardest to sell as i have known him since he was 6 months. I was keeping him as OH said that he was going to break him and use him as his riding horse, but since getting Mo hes fallen in love and hes told me to sell Finn.

Finn is 2 at the beginning of next year, hes a very placid foal, infact hes soooo lazy, hes been walked out on the road, he will walk past scarey things, hes sooo good with farrier, vet and to load. Hes currently 14.2hh, vet says he should make 15-15.2hh. Hes a heavier cob than mae, farrier says hes got legs like a clydesdale lol.

Hes had children go and pet him in the stable, hes been wearing a bridle and accepted that straight away. His only down side is that he really is so lazy! Also hes a dirty boy in his stable!!!

How much would yous advertise him for?

Promise its the last one lol.


Well-Known Member
28 November 2006
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I plan on keeping Mae, Mo and Murphy, so im going from 10 down to 3!! Im thinking of keeping the youngsters until the easter/summer as i dont think they will sell.

Yeah advertising them in the farmweek, they were also in ads for free as my friend sold hers in that, though i am not holding my breath.