Update on YO


Well-Known Member
24 November 2005
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Well I yesterday afternoon I popped over to see my YO (as she lives opposite) and explained that a) if she was going to be wanting to make a claim on my insurance then she would need to prove negligence and b) I cannot see how this could be done as she knows my horse and at the end of the day horses will be horses!.

At this point I was expecting to be asked to find somewhere else to kept T BUT she explained that that was fair enough and it was more if she'd had to take a few weeks off work for surgery that she was worrying as her boss was being an a*sehole about giving her sick pay. Fair enough but she could see why I wasn't negligent after I explained. We then went on to have a good chat about the "sueing culture" and when I said how much she'd worried me she was most apologetic and promised me it wasn't aimed at me in a bad way but she was very concerned about her loss of earnings (however she has now threatened her boss with legal action if he doesn't give her the legal sick pay if its needed so thats now sorted too - she hadn't realised legally she was entitled to it!). She also assured me that yes she is insured but her PI insurance ended about 3 days before the accident when her 2 were pts and the new policy didn't start until a week afterwards. She also assured me that she was more than happy for me to stay at the yard and that if she'd realised how much grief she'd caused she'd have never said anything in the first place! So thats all settled now.

We have also agreed that we will both sign a contract for future incidents should any arise.


Well-Known Member
9 July 2006
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Good on you.

I can't stand the culture of litagation from stubbing a toe or something just as inane.

You were friends aswell and from her apologies she wouldn't have mentioned it had she not worries about paying her own bills.

Have a nice relaxing day with a weight of your shoulders!!!


Well-Known Member
10 October 2005
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Phew! Well, all's well that ends well, and a contract sounds like a good idea. Sigh of relief, then!


Well-Known Member
24 November 2005
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HUUUGE! Relief. I slept so badly on Thursday night and suddenly it feels like a huge weight has been lifted. Feel a little guilty though as maybe I jumped to conclusions about my wonderful YO. Oh well, its all behind me now!