update- splints, foals and cancelled events


Well-Known Member
16 February 2011
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Haven't been on here for a while and havent got a great deal to report because due to the rain every event I've been geared for has been cancelled :( so I thought a few pictures would make everything merry :)

Rudi is now almost 7 weeks old ( :eek: ) and getting bigger by the day, he's almost as big as mum now! his passport documents are all ready to send off- just need to decide on a name... He may just end up being 'Mr Rudimentary' :rolleyes:


Ron has thrown a splint, just as we were starting to get going! :mad: was hoping to start getting him out and about for a bit of a play by now but we've been set back about 2 months :( so you'll just have to make do with a smiley picture of his funny face!


and then onto Charlie :) he's a on good form at the moment, just desperate to get him out somewhere! managed a brief outing last month, his first dressage test! and first time indoors so we spent most of the test tanking round (evident in pic!! :eek: ), shying at the walls, boards, mirrors, sunlight (really!) etc etc but overall it wasn't bad for a first attempt!


also did a workers class (not a fan of showing but MiL is and I wanted to get him round a course :) ) almost everyone else was crashing round so i wasn't too hopeful but he was a star, loved it and went clear :) excuse my dodgy position- im incapable and got virtually leaped off at almost every fence :eek:




and then a few schooling at home, i'm in desperate need of a lesson but keep getting rained (/stormed!) off :( so in the meantime il just piddle along by myself... been doing quite a lot of gridwork which is proving very useful getting him to back off and think about what he's doing rather than throwing himself at everything!





entered for an unaffiliated ODE in a couple of weeks and then Thornton Watlass on 28th- fingers crossed the weather will have gripped itself by then!!!

thanks for looking, sticky chicken and mash if you got this far :D:D yumyum

Trinity Fox

Well-Known Member
12 April 2010
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At the first pic was going to say wow and all the other things to say about lovely horses, but have to say all of them are something to be proud of.

It is so dire with this weather at home and as for getting them out eurghh but all your's are looking fine.:)


Well-Known Member
25 February 2012
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You certainly have some beautiful horses.

We arent getting much done with the weather either, so filling my time foal watching, they are great timewasters

Love your foals name.


Well-Known Member
16 February 2011
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thank you :D

filling my time foal watching, they are great timewasters

Love your foals name.

aren't they just! I go along to poo pick and end up spending about 3 years watching and playing with him :) you like the name then? i wasn't sure about it and originally i wanted something that was linked to mother and/or daddy but im short on inspiration...! so i think 'Mr Rudimentary' it is....


Well-Known Member
16 February 2011
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horses are all beautiful esp rudi wont be long till he is grey by the look of his goggles whats his breeding

thanks :D yep that pic was taken a week or so ago and he's looking greyer than that now! mare is a heinz 57, probably some section d in there... he's by Millfield Cairo- young AES registered Holstein by Calido 1. i was wanting to get something a bit bigger than my mare, fingers crossed it looks like its going to turn out that way! :)