My granddaughter recently purchased her first horse ... 14mth old Andalusian.
He was fully vetted before hand, having bloods taken too and was given a good bill of health.
The first week of having him, he had to start his vaccination programme.
( He had previously had his initial vaccine but time had lapsed between his first and second one, so had to start them again)
So the first week of having him, he was given a flu/tet vaccine ...Protect or Protet (Not sure if I have spelt that right)
The next day, he appeared to struggle to lower his head but by the evening of the same day, he seemed ok and was able to lower his head and eat
Twenty one days later, he had his second vaccination!!
Now he was absolutely fine the morning of the vaccine.
The vet came, listened to his chest, his breathing, as she did with his first one, he was vaccinated and turned out shortly afterwards...all seemed fine, however 4-5 hours later, he was a very poor boy
High temp, high respiratory rate, sweating, transferring his weight on all fours, not interested in his food, laying down, getting up and clearly not well.
The vet was called and an anti inflammatory was given.
He picked up a little and started to pick at his hay.
My daughter and granddaughter spent a long time with him that evening and left him at 10.30pm as he seemed slightly more comfortable but they were obviously still concerned about him.
They returned to the yard the next morning at 6.30am to find him clearly not well again and the emergency vet was called.
Again, high temp, high respiratory rate.
Cut a long story short, he ended up going to The Newmarket Hospital, in intensive care, for a week (thank goodness for horse insurance )where they said he was a very sick horse!!!
Every test imaginable was run on him but they couldn't find anything conclusive wrong with him, other than he had a slight thickening of his intestine and needed to be wormed ( which has now been addressed)
I am, as are my daughter and granddaughter convinced he had a severe reaction to the vaccine although the vets beg to differ!!
Up until he was vaccinated he had been an absolute joy.
Full of life, loved his food, typical baby, inquisitive, bright and subsequently given a clean bill of health on his vetting only a few weeks previously.
He is doing ok now but feel we were really lucky as it has just, this weekend, come to our attention that a friend of ours, friend had her mare vaccinated with Protet ( yearly booster) and within 5 hours died.
Really unsure about our boy having his next one, which is due in 6 months time.
Has anybody else experienced any adverse reactions from the vaccination with their horses?
He was fully vetted before hand, having bloods taken too and was given a good bill of health.
The first week of having him, he had to start his vaccination programme.
( He had previously had his initial vaccine but time had lapsed between his first and second one, so had to start them again)
So the first week of having him, he was given a flu/tet vaccine ...Protect or Protet (Not sure if I have spelt that right)
The next day, he appeared to struggle to lower his head but by the evening of the same day, he seemed ok and was able to lower his head and eat
Twenty one days later, he had his second vaccination!!
Now he was absolutely fine the morning of the vaccine.
The vet came, listened to his chest, his breathing, as she did with his first one, he was vaccinated and turned out shortly afterwards...all seemed fine, however 4-5 hours later, he was a very poor boy
High temp, high respiratory rate, sweating, transferring his weight on all fours, not interested in his food, laying down, getting up and clearly not well.
The vet was called and an anti inflammatory was given.
He picked up a little and started to pick at his hay.
My daughter and granddaughter spent a long time with him that evening and left him at 10.30pm as he seemed slightly more comfortable but they were obviously still concerned about him.
They returned to the yard the next morning at 6.30am to find him clearly not well again and the emergency vet was called.
Again, high temp, high respiratory rate.
Cut a long story short, he ended up going to The Newmarket Hospital, in intensive care, for a week (thank goodness for horse insurance )where they said he was a very sick horse!!!
Every test imaginable was run on him but they couldn't find anything conclusive wrong with him, other than he had a slight thickening of his intestine and needed to be wormed ( which has now been addressed)
I am, as are my daughter and granddaughter convinced he had a severe reaction to the vaccine although the vets beg to differ!!
Up until he was vaccinated he had been an absolute joy.
Full of life, loved his food, typical baby, inquisitive, bright and subsequently given a clean bill of health on his vetting only a few weeks previously.
He is doing ok now but feel we were really lucky as it has just, this weekend, come to our attention that a friend of ours, friend had her mare vaccinated with Protet ( yearly booster) and within 5 hours died.
Really unsure about our boy having his next one, which is due in 6 months time.
Has anybody else experienced any adverse reactions from the vaccination with their horses?