New User
I`m sure there have ben loads of these questions/queries over the years....
Started up in the horsey world around 3yrs ago, daughter has a 14.2 Welsh Cob. This year via a friend and her trailer/car have been going to fortnightly shows, were now getting to the stage whereby our main car needs upgrading and we want some independents interms of traveling with Pony.
We dont travel far, just local shows 5 to 50 miles max.
Budget for Vehicle would be up to 16-17K with the look to be buying a single trailer Ifor William HB401 or similar.
Has to be Petrol or hybrid.
any suggestions would be welcome.
I`m sure there have ben loads of these questions/queries over the years....
Started up in the horsey world around 3yrs ago, daughter has a 14.2 Welsh Cob. This year via a friend and her trailer/car have been going to fortnightly shows, were now getting to the stage whereby our main car needs upgrading and we want some independents interms of traveling with Pony.
We dont travel far, just local shows 5 to 50 miles max.
Budget for Vehicle would be up to 16-17K with the look to be buying a single trailer Ifor William HB401 or similar.
Has to be Petrol or hybrid.
any suggestions would be welcome.