Very disappointing first BE100


Well-Known Member
29 March 2005
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Have felt too down and tired to post this before! Sorry its going to be long!

Started off with a long drive and dragged him off the lorry when we got there and got down to the dressage.

Warmed up well (i was a bit firmer with him on the flat which seemed to work) as soon as i went off to do my test i could feel him starting to become a bit more awkward. Did a very average test- wibbly down the centre line (although it was v windy!) but overall was pretty accurate! Got 39.5 which was probably fair and actually not too bad in relation to my section!

Had a long wait and walked the SJ which was one of the biggest tracks he has done.

Took him in and he was nice and perky but not at all strong or silly...had a fab jump over the first and a amazingly easy round to finish clear- and only 1/4 of my section went clear so i was really pleased!! He pinged over everything and cleared them by miles!! really felt he would have jumped the Novice track!

Got some lovely pro photos of him in the sj which i will post when they are up.

Onto XC- now last time at MK i tried him in a loose ring snaffle which was better as he is not so fixed as the full cheek but as you may remember he was a bit looky so the steering was not great so put him back in the full cheek yesterday thinking at least i would have some steering.

The middle of the course was twisty and i planned to bring him right back and trot some combinations or circle to make the turns. In thinking i would need to make up for a bit of time i set off quite fast over the first 5.
Maybe this is where it all went wrong!

Flew the 1st but i had such a job to get him straight and round the corner to 2 and by the time i went to turn for fence 3 i knew my steering and totally failed and i really thought i would have to circle-but somehow manged it! Got a smack over fence 4 for looking at it then took the alternative of the corner over the double of rails (albeit too fast!)

Galloped (i have never felt him shift so fast!!) to the flower bed which we got on a lovely stride- then it all went wrong.

As i came to the water i really had trouble slowing him and we flew round and nearly missed the slope in...he kinda lurched in and i pulled him to get straight at the step out but i could just tell he was not concentrating on the barrells out and went on his long canter stride (i planned to trot!) and we ran straight past and nearly went through the tape at the side of the course. Jumped him back into the water and jumped it lovely from a nice trot the second time....then onto the step and skinny.

Well he leapt off the step and we didn't get anywhere near the "pimple" just swung left again- pulled me over the intro ditch backwards!! so managed to trot him round and actually got a line to it and jumped it lovely.

Then cantered down the back straight to the steeplechase but he pulled and pulled left and i could not steer him at all- somehow managed to get back on line but god knows how!

Jumped the next water fine but then took him up the back hill and again he was pulling left so hard and i could not get him on line to fence 14 so retired.

I feel completely devastated as everyone else makes it look so easy and although i think it was my fault for maybe pushing him a bit too much at the start we were not going stupidly fast- would probably be average for most people, i think he was just being a little s*d and i have no idea why he has started wanting to nap back to the lorries which is what it seems like! His mouth which had just healed has now re-split- so frustating.

I knew i had not got quite the perfect bit but up til now i have managed but he was definatly more keen yesterday and i think i am going to have to put something stronger in him to get a bit of respect so i can actually set him up....

i would really appreciate some suggestions! I have tried a waterford which he doesn't like he hates and a dutch gag makes him pull down.

Madhector kindly leant me a universal a few months ago so may give that another shot out xc schooling and practise a course with it but am open to suggestions....i think if i had a bit more control of his mouth i would have had more of a chance.

It really ruined a lovely sj round and the height of the fences was no problem so i just want to get the control sorted!!

here is a video of the sj!

Courtsey of Horsepower Photography


Pro photos to follow and some stills if i can work out how to work our new camera!


Well-Known Member
21 May 2008
S. Lincs.
You say he is more fixed in the full cheek, but that you need the steering that you don't get with the loose ring - why not try and fulmer snaffle [i think?]. Its got fixed cheeks but has loose rings attatched....if that makes any sense?!?!

ETA the SJ pic looks lovely! I think you did okay for your first PN with him. Just think about all the positives, and not why you couldn't do something, but how you could do it better. That's in Pippa F's book...!


Well-Known Member
18 May 2007
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Don't be too downhearted, that SJ round was one of the nicest vids I've seen anyone put up on here of PN showjumping, it was absolutely spot on with a super canter and very few 'long shots' to fences which us eventers love.

I've had exactly the same brake/steering failure only I actually did go over the tapes - horse jumped out of the water over them, was one of the most terrifying days of my life! However you'll be pleased to hear that I solved the bitting issue by phoning Heather at Neue Schule and we really have not looked back, so I seriously suggest you give her a ring. I think some horses just suddenly get the idea, plus we ride a bit more forwards and the upshot is a requirement for more braking and the consequent better steering.

I wouldn't be too upset at all - you'll figure it out, and I recommend Heather being a good person to call. I just walked my next XC looking for somewhere to circle and pull up if I needed to as schooling is never a true test of a bit!

I think you should focus on the positives and remember that brilliant SJing.


Well-Known Member
16 July 2008
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I was fence Judging at fence 4. Lots were looking at the pigs at fence 4.
It actually was quite interesting as in the BE 90 as loads were spooking at those darned pigs as they approached the BE90 fence 4, then the BE100 horses were spooking at the sheep at fence 3 (intro)
Well done for the clear SJ. It was a meaty course I thought.
By heck it was a long day though. Got there for 8.15 and got home at 7.30.
Mind you we were given a lovely meal after our "stint"


Well-Known Member
25 April 2008
Beds/Bucks border
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Don't feel too down, it was a stiff enough test, they had really upped the difficulty this year and the course was not the nice flowing courses that have been there before. We saw lots of Retirements/eliminations so you were not alone. We did the intro today and it was a fair test, the SJ was up to height and caused loads of problems so a clear was great, especially at BE100.
On the bit front, what about a loop ring snaffle with a centre revolver, very "mobile" in the mouth and just little poll pressure, they are made by Jefferies, they can't set against it and we have had good results with them where both brakes and steering are an issue..


Well-Known Member
29 March 2005
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Thanks to both of you

Talavera- im just not sure if a snaffle is quite enough- its okay just bumbling round as hes not strong and mad but i feel i need a bit extra to just hold him if either he tries to pull one way or if i need to set him up to a skinny. I think when i have a few to try i will take him round schooling around at least half or a whole course and push on- and try and take him to some local events and just pull up if hes being difficult.

Its so frustrating as the ability is there!


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1 April 2002
Lovely Northamptonshire again!
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well hun, 2 out of 3 ain't bad for your first one, don't despair. sj pic looks fantastic and clear is just great. anyway, first few outings at lower levels are all about finding out stuff.
nightmare that he's split his mouth again. as soon as it starts healing, start toughening it up with surgical spirit - i'm doing Katy's daily at the moment and it seems much stronger than it was. hurts a LOT in an open wound though (had one on my finger so found out!) so don't put it on till skin is pink and healing, otherwise he'll never let you do it again!
umm... i'd prob go xc schooling before next event if at all possible, and just canter around popping stuff, make it much less exhilarating for him. sometimes they get so intoxicated with speed that they're deaf to anything you ask.
bits - if he was hanging towards lorries that's one thing, going slower at first and keeping him between hand and leg should help with that. if he always hangs that way then that's different obv.
otherwise... i'd think about trying a pelham, which still gives good steering but a totally different action that he might like.


Well-Known Member
29 March 2005
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i have got to nip out now but will reply to everyone when i get back...i would appreciate any comments


Well-Known Member
9 July 2005
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He jumped round SJ so beautifully. Wish I could make it look that easy!

Good luck with the bit search. He is gorgeous.


Well-Known Member
14 September 2005
North East Suffolk
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Don't be so hard on yourself Fran.

keysoe is not a good corse if you have nappy thoughts.

But you didn't say hello to me - I was collecting ring steward at XC!

B was in the start box in charge of a timer too, and you didn't wave at them either! Apparently it makes the start box very happy if people wave at them!!!!!!!!!!!! They don't get much entertainment in there!

Goya, you think your day was long. I was there for 7.15 after a 45 min journey, stewarded the dressage then did XC collecting ring all day.

Got home at 7.45pm.

keysoe are great at thanking you though.


Well-Known Member
16 July 2008
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Hi Thistle.
sorry I didn't get to say hi.
Have to admit your day was longer, but I only live 20 mins away so am lucky in that aspect.
as you say, the "thank you" was the best I have had for fence judging to date.


Well-Known Member
12 May 2006
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Great sjing and dressage, could he have been hurting from the split lip and trying to avoid it? Is everything physically ok, i.e back etc? Could try a prickler?
Best of luck for next time.


Well-Known Member
26 November 2007
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Well done, the first 2 bits sound fab, but when the xc goes bad it just ruins the whole day.
Well he obviously wasn't faze by the height, so you just need to tweek the brakes/steering and you'll be away again!!!


Well-Known Member
25 August 2008
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Fab picture - well done for the SJ and Dressage!

It's clearly not the jumps XC and with some better oiled breaks and some more steering I'm sure you'll be fine - I'd also take him XC schooling just to check your confidence in your brakes etc and him.


Well-Known Member
23 October 2003
Devon UK
Firstly well done on doing OK in the dressage and SJ, the pics are lovely.
I too would second ringing neu schule for a solution, we have bought a nelson gag to try on Jack, because although it proved to be his back had gone into spasm, he was also damned difficult to turn.
He is rideable in a rubber snaffle schooling, but once you show him a fence he's very strong, he can be SJ in a pelham but XC he just fights it.
I think a bit with cheeks would benefit your horse so have a look what there is around.
We are going schooling on Thursday to try out the new bit, I'd do the same with whatever you decide to try, get the other horse to go in front and see if you have brakes....


Well-Known Member
7 June 2007
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sounds good, although annoying over the lack of steering!

He looks fantastic

What about that neue schule bit, the handy piece of kit one? It looks fab imo!


Well-Known Member
24 January 2007
west mids
Hey , it takes time to get it right , don't overbit him too much work on your control in the school and in the field , put up some technical fences and practice accuracy and stopping using your seat and back. You will get there


Well-Known Member
19 July 2004
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Its always a shame to retire xc... but the rest of your day sounds really good...especially the SJ... they always use every inch at Keysoe!
So chin up, Fran...once you get the brakes & steering sorted it will all come together. We have these issues with one of ours... a friend suggested a DR Bristol for XC... you wouldn't believe it but we have so much better control. Because we have control..the steering comes too. I know Dr Bristol's are a bit old-fashioned now...but it worked for us!
Have to say...super SJ video. Well done that girl!


Well-Known Member
4 January 2006
North Yorkshire
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Don't be too down, the Keysoe PN is a funny course, difficult to get into a rhythm with some quite significant questions.

Maybe aim for a nice straightforward, inviting track next to get your confidence back up.


Well-Known Member
29 April 2006
South East
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so sorry it didnt go to plan
dont beat yourself up about it though, he's still only young and you've got plenty of eventing ahead of you both
His SJing sounds really promising and the piccy is lovely


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29 March 2005
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Thistle- i am so sorry i thought you were only stewarding on the Sunday?!

To be honest i kept out of the way a bit at the xc as there were loads of people milling around after a hold on course and he would not stand still. Im really sorry!!

Skhosu - the mouth was actually okay until he went xc i think and had been putting bonjela on it anyway- its only after the xc that it was probably sore again and when he acts like that it seems there is no choice. Physically he should be fine- had his back done a few weeks ago and said he is the best condition horse she has seen in a long time- and he sj'ed so well too and did not appear to be in pain. Madhector did lend me a pricker along with the universal but as he had been quite good i havent needed to use it...maybe i shall get it out in combination with a new bit!

Jane_lou- do you have a piccy of the bit?

kerilli- i don't have any other events planned- was thinking about Lt Downham but tbh im not sure! Thanks for the tip about surgical spirit though!

Fiona & kerilli - I was thinking about trying a pelham too- i just need to fiddle and make sure he doesn't try to evade by pulling down.

ni01- Thanks the sj i was over the moon with!

henryhorn- thank you i may well give them a call (and thanks to who mentioned it previously!)

Carthorse- i don't want to overbit him and thats why i have kept him in the snaffle but the thing is i can sj him in the loose ring and since him being silly at poplar with it a bit of education he has come back to me; i have been practising skinnies etc in the field with him and he was as good as gold but i just could not seem to get him to come back to me enough and "think" thats why i wonder if i ruined it by pushing on a bit to start with- but then again it really was not that fast! I will keep practising as much as i can but yesterday i had a problem getting him to go around the corner to a nice big wide set of rails!

Bubblegum, sillymare, hattikins- thas i just need a bit of a reasurrance it all has not gone down the pan!

I really appreciate everyones suggestions and help and knew i could come on here to get some good advice and cheer myself up a bit- im definatly not using that bit again xc i would ratehr go round in my loose ring but shall see if i can book someone to take me xc schooling and just play until i feel what is right and in the meantime keep practising at home.


Well-Known Member
3 March 2008
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Don't be so hard on yourself, once the bitting is sorted you'll be cruising round. Lovely sj round by the way
, I'm very jealous as mine was v scruffy.


Well-Known Member
7 August 2005
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Sorry to hear it didnt go to plan hon, BUT 2 out of 3 is pretty good
Try the universal with a curb, it does seem to have a lifting action, and is the only think that stops G from dropping his head to the floor. Pelhams do work but they can get a bit leany on them. Chin up though, and get entering the next event