Very Excited


Well-Known Member
14 January 2009
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If all goes well and she passes the vet, my new girl is coming home on Tuesday and my little man is going

Tuesday will be sooooo bittersweet with lots of tears i think

but wish me luck and keep your fingers crossed that she passes the vet on Tuesday



Well-Known Member
14 January 2009
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No you havent im part Xing with the owner. I dont doubt he will get sold on again and as heartless as this may sound, i have been through hell and back with him already and i cannot keep passing up opportunites for a horse who i love with all my heart but ultimately cant do anything with, especially as im going to Hartpury in September, i feel like im letting him down terribly but its a bit of a catch 22

so its all very bittersweet


Just passing through...
27 June 2008
Not where I should be...
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Oh hun. Not ideal, as you know, but on the other hand (as my hubby points out when we're having a discussion about LL
), what on earth makes me think that I'm the only one who will care and do my best by him? I have no answer to that one.

Hugs to you. Will keep all crossed that all is good.


Well-Known Member
10 October 2007
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Gosh, so how come she is willing to take him in part ex? is she a dealer too?? Will you have to pay much more for the mare?? Tell me all!! Got someone to come and see M on Monday!!!!


Well-Known Member
2 February 2006
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No you havent im part Xing with the owner. I dont doubt he will get sold on again and as heartless as this may sound, i have been through hell and back with him already and i cannot keep passing up opportunites for a horse who i love with all my heart but ultimately cant do anything with, especially as im going to Hartpury in September, i feel like im letting him down terribly but its a bit of a catch 22

so its all very bittersweet

[/ QUOTE ]

*this has taken me some considerable, (scrap that for, *unbelievable* - I honestly don't think a reply has ever taken me so long...), amount of time to type without truly losing my temper*

My goodness!! I am almost lost for words!! I really don't remember a time whilst I've been on this forum that I have felt such anger and upset over a post...!!

You're right. That does sound (no sod "sound", it is...!!) *very* heartless
And I can't believe you have the cheek to call it "bitter/sweet" - Unless you selfishly mean, "sweet", for you; new horse waheey!
But bitter for him and the life that lies ahead of him -
= many more homes with no one knowing his behaviour/health problems, and him and them going through the anguish and expense you have *supposedly* cried about on here...

I can't believe that you would pass on a horse that you *know*, full well, has been previously passed from one home to another, with his physical and behavioural problems, and knowing FULL well that there is a chance he is going to be passed on through more and more homes, and putting other people through the upset you *profess* to have felt over his ill health, not to mention the risk and expense they will have to go through discovering these issues all over again,

Take some responsibility FFS. Either PTS/forgo a riding horse for his needs, and care for him/or offer him as a loan companion (local enough for you to check on); as he's a pony I suppose this is thankfully an option.

You don't love him with all your heart. bullsh*t!! You are not in a catch 22 - if you were you would take care of his needs in one way or the other; you would either PTS or care for him - you would not pass him on to a dealer who you admit:

I dont doubt he will get sold on again and as heartless as this may sound, i have been through hell and back with him already and i cannot keep passing up opportunites for a horse who i love with all my heart but ultimately cant do anything with

[/ QUOTE ]

You are deluding yourself if you think you are being responsible. Go to heartbury if it makes you feel better, but you should know that if you maintain this attitude, degree or otherwise, you will never be a horse person..

Your attitude disgusts me........ and I am local to you.......


village idiot :D
3 March 2007
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Sadly, Pixxie, much of what Puppy has said went through my head.

From your point of view I would have concerns. If someone is willing to take him in part exchange there are several possibilities: They are a dealer who specialises in "problem" horses - in which case is the one you are buying a "problem" just waiting to recur without the dealer's specialist knowledge and experience; They are a dealer who will quickly get their money back by selling Marley on for meat; They are a dealer who will give Marley a "quick fix", dope him, get him very poor (and blame a previous owner!) and sell him on to another person who won't cope; They are a dealer who hasn't understood the level of the problems; They are a private individual who has not understood the level of his problems; They are a middle-aged softheart like me who will take him on having seen him both at his worst and at his best, work around his problems and keep him for the rest of his life. I fear the last one is the least likely and I already have one "dangerous" ginger Welsh nutter.

May I suggest that you brief your vet to note anything which might suggest that the horse is less than perfect temperament-wise, including being poor or lacking correct muscle? I'd get bloods taken as well.

Also if you haven't done plenty of homework on the person you're buying from I suggest that you do that, for both yours and Marley's sake.


Well-Known Member
2 February 2006
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May I suggest that you don't get another horse......

ETS - that was QR to OP, not you J_T.


Well-Known Member
11 June 2008
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May i suggest you leave Pixxie alone. Of course she bl00dy knows that what she is doing may not be right for Marley, but it is the only thing she can do. Some peopl dont have the money, time and experience to look after a horse like Marley. You dont know anything abuot her situation. You dont know her. How dare you say those things to her. She is in tears because of this. She has no other choice. She cannot look after Marley. How dare you be so rude to her in this really difficult siutation for her. I am horrified that someone can write such a crule and heartful message.
How dare you be so so nasty to someone you dont know. You have no idea. So what if you would keep the horse. She cannot. He should not be PTS, if someone worked with him who had money,time and expertise one day he would be great. But Pixxie cannot do this. She was sold Marley as a completley different horse to what he really is.
I am schocked and horrified at what you have written and you have left me very upset, and also Pixxie- well done.
That was nasty.


Well-Known Member
11 June 2008
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Id also like to add, as an adult it is FAR easier to just keep a horse. you have a job. She is 16 years old. She is going to college in Septemeber. She will take the hrose with her, but she cannot leave Marley at home for her mum to look after. That is not fair.
I am so shocked at what you have said. I really didnt think this forum could be so nasty.


Patting her thylacine
26 March 2007
Daemon from Hades
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I agree with Puppy.
You buy a horse - you take responsibility for it, regardless of whether it goes your way or not.

No one is suggesting she should keep the horse forever - we understand she can't cope with it, and wants something to ride.
What we are saying is that the horse deserves to be PTS in a stable, calm environment.
You know, Pixxie (and Perdy), and I know that this can only have bad outcomes for Marley - either he will go straight for meat, or he will be sold to another home, make another little girl miserable, and possibly kill her.
Have some balls and put him down - you both know it is the right thing to do.
I wish you as much luck as you deserve with your new horse, Pixxie.


Well-Known Member
11 June 2008
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He is a healthy horse. He does not need to be PTS. He just needs someone with experience. You dont seem to understand! By saying PTS, you are being the heartless ones. There is no need to PTS a HEALTHY horse. He is HAPPY. PTS is unncessary.
You don not understand how hard this is for Pixxie. She has been through hell and back trying to do whats right. She cannot do anything more for Marley. She has to move on. She cannot keep him due to personal circumstances- which you know NOTHING of.
Please LEAVE her alone. This is very upsetting and very hurtful


Well-Known Member
15 February 2008
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May i suggest you leave Pixxie alone. Of course she bl00dy knows that what she is doing may not be right for Marley, but it is the only thing she can do.

[/ QUOTE ]

Not true .. ofcourse that isn't the only thing she can do .. she could PTS/rehome to a suitable home/loan as a companion etc etc ..

Some people dont have the money, time and experience to look after a horse like Marley.

[/ QUOTE ]

This is true , all of these should have been taken into account when purchasing him in the first place .. ofcourse situations change but you should really be prepared for every eventuality .. whether that be a problem horse or one that is unrideable

So what if you would keep the horse. She cannot. He should not be PTS, if someone worked with him who had money,time and expertise one day he would be great. But Pixxie cannot do this. She was sold Marley as a completley different horse to what he really is.

[/ QUOTE ]

Puppy is voicing an opinion .. which she has a right to do , its an open forum afterall

I think the main question is why bother risking him being passed from pillar to post , from unsuitable home to unsuitable home when you could just either take some time to rehome to a suitable person ?

and also Pixxie- well done.

[/ QUOTE ]

What are you congratulating her for? Because she's managed to get 'rid' of a horse she doesn't want anymore and has forgotten all about the fact he has quite a few underlying issues just because she wants a new one?

Do you want to pat me on the back because I've decieded to sell my crippled 5yo so I can buy myself a shiny new one


Well-Known Member
2 February 2006
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May i suggest you leave Pixxie alone. Of course she bl00dy knows that what she is doing may not be right for Marley,

[/ QUOTE ]

If she knows full well that what she is not doing what is right for her horse, she should not have a horse

but it is the only thing she can do.

[/ QUOTE ]

No it isn't!! Have you read my post?!
Either PTS, keep him, meeting his needs, or find him a suitable home. Fobbing him off to a dealer knowing full well he is likely to be passed on shouldn't be an option to any self respecting horse owner, let alone the "only option".

Some peopl dont have the money, time and experience to look after a horse like Marley.

[/ QUOTE ]

No they don't. Yet by passing him on this manner she is only going to risking putting further owners through what she's been through
Not to mention what it will put the poor horse through.

You dont know anything abuot her situation. You dont know her.

[/ QUOTE ]

I've formed my opinion based on her multiple posts on here. So far neither you or she have said anything to change my mind that what she is doing is irresponsible. Feel free to keep trying, but I don't fancy your chances!!

How dare you say those things to her. She is in tears because of this.

[/ QUOTE ]

I'm sure she'll cheers up with "excitement" when she packs him off and her new horse arrives

She has no other choice. She cannot look after Marley.

[/ QUOTE ]

I refer you back to the start of my post. If she can't take care of him, then find him someone who can or pts, don't pass him on. And if she can't be responsible for this horse then she really shouldn't be getting another.

How dare you be so rude to her in this really difficult siutation for her.

[/ QUOTE ]

I am being restrained actually. I don't doubt it's difficult, but passing the buck is unacceptable.

I am horrified that someone can write such a crule and heartful message.

[/ QUOTE ]

I am horrified that someone could profess to love a horse, and then treat him in such a manner

How dare you be so so nasty to someone you dont know. You have no idea. So what if you would keep the horse. She cannot. He should not be PTS, if someone worked with him who had money,time and expertise one day he would be great. But Pixxie cannot do this.

[/ QUOTE ]

Then FFS find someone who can!! Passing him on to a dodgy dealer is irresponsible and negligent.

She was sold Marley as a completley different horse to what he really is.

[/ QUOTE ]

And she was not the first, nor will she be the last if she passes him on again like this. Can't the two of you see this?

I am schocked and horrified at what you have written and you have left me very upset, and also Pixxie- well done.
That was nasty.

[/ QUOTE ]

Shocked, horrified and disgusted??! Well me too!


Well-Known Member
5 January 2009
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I have to say I am absolutly disgusted at such a personal attack on a young girl by a supposedly grown up woman!!

You have NO idea what she has gone through with Marley and i suggest you learn all the facts before you post next time. Marley is perfectly healthy, field sound and is NOT a dangerous horse. Pixxie has NO way that she can keep him herself.

This is an incredible hurtfull thing to say about someone that they do not care about their own horse. She trying to find him the best home she possibly can, and has now decided it will be a loan home

Asuming she is selling him to a dodgy dealer is WRONG, asuming she has any help from her family is also WRONG. She is off to college in september and cant take him with her to live in a stable for half the year doing nothing, she cant keep him up there in a field as there is NONE round college and being 16 she cannot drive, and she cannot leave him at home for family/friends to look after as is not fair on them.

I also think you are VERY hypocritcal having read your thread Puppy.

I support your decision whatever you decide to do Pixxie.

Hope your very happy that you have reduced a young girl to tears over her beloved horse once again!!!


Well-Known Member
14 January 2009
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ok can i just butt in here seeing as i am sick of this

he is not going to a dealer, i never said he was. the sale of the new horse has infact fallen through as im sure you will be pleased to hear.

he is therefore staying with me (which is fine) until i find him the right home on permanent loan. Now stop judging me when you do not know the ins and outs of the situation

if i could afford to keep two horses i would but i cant.
i also cannot leave him behind when i go to college as there is noone to look after him. as for PTS he is healthy and not dangerous, just not happy to be ridden. how does that give me the right to take his life unnecessarily?

how dare you tell me i do not care! how you tell me this hasnt been heartbreaking!

you do not know me or the situation, now please stop


Well-Known Member
2 February 2006
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I have to say I am absolutly disgusted at such a personal attack on a young girl by a supposedly grown up woman!!

[/ QUOTE ]

I am disgusted that a horse owner would dodge responsibility like this.

You have NO idea what she has gone through with Marley and i suggest you learn all the facts before you post next time.

[/ QUOTE ]

Well I've read her posts about him, so I have a fair idea. As I said above to Perdy, if there's some facts that can justify this to me that I am currently unaware of, then feel free to correct me and see if it changes my opinion.

Marley is perfectly healthy, field sound and is NOT a dangerous horse.

[/ QUOTE ]

Oh for goodness sake, you are missing the point. She has said she is sending him to a dealer, and has no doubt that he will get passed on - Unacceptable!! Irresponsible!! How can you not see that?!

Pixxie has NO way that she can keep him herself.

[/ QUOTE ]

Then PTS or find a SUITABLE home and don't get another one until you can meet the needs and responsibility that horse requires.

This is an incredible hurtfull thing to say about someone that they do not care about their own horse.

[/ QUOTE ]

Actions speak louder than words...

She trying to find him the best home she possibly can, and has now decided it will be a loan home

[/ QUOTE ]

That's not what the OP here said. I am replying to the OP.

Asuming she is selling him to a dodgy dealer is WRONG,

[/ QUOTE ]

Assuming?! Did you read what she said about exchanging him with a dealer and having no doubt he will be passed on...?!

asuming she has any help from her family is also WRONG.

[/ QUOTE ]

That's irrelevant. Either she (with or without support) can handle the responsibility of a horse or not.

She is off to college in september and cant take him with her to live in a stable for half the year doing nothing, she cant keep him up there in a field as there is NONE round college and being 16 she cannot drive, and she cannot leave him at home for family/friends to look after as is not fair on them.

[/ QUOTE ]

Then do the right thing and either PTS or find a SUITABLE home. Don't pass the poor horse on. How many times does it need to be said?!

I also think you are VERY hypocritcal having read your thread Puppy.

[/ QUOTE ]

Explain to me how on earth I am being hypocritical?! What are you on? I take responsibility for animals and would love to hear you tell me why you think otherwise?!

I support your decision whatever you decide to do Pixxie.

[/ QUOTE ]


Hope your very happy that you have reduced a young girl to tears over her beloved horse once again!!!

[/ QUOTE ]

And what about the next young girls who goes through the same thing with Marley because he's been passed on?!

Honestly!! I can't believe people think this is an ok way to treat a problem horse.


Well-Known Member
2 February 2006
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he is therefore staying with me (which is fine) until i find him the right home on permanent loan.

[/ QUOTE ]

Good! I am very, very glad to hear it. I hope you find Marley a lovely home where he will be very happy.


Well-Known Member
14 January 2009
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may i just say that if you read the post properly i never said i was part exchanging with a DEALER.
also again if you read what i wrote above he is no longer going anyway, so this can all stop and you have your views and everyone else can have theirs.


Well-Known Member
10 December 2008
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I totally support you 100% with this this happened with my first horse when i was 13 totally not what she was sold as and couldnt be ridden full stop
This forum is starting to get way to bitchy and way to many personal attacks
Anyway to the people who are replying nastily to this post you have no idea what its like to go through this, and before you insult others please got through it yourself first. Also as Pixxie said she has lost her confidence with him so its not justfied to both for either to suffer this. I really do support you on this Pixxie.


Well-Known Member
29 October 2008
Тy, Siberia, Russian Federation
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Although I agree with Fornema that it isd not fair for both horse and rider to be suffering - but is the ponies suffering not going to get worse, if as soon as he bonds with an owner, or settles into a place, he is moved on again when people realise how 'unmanagable' he is?

Honestly, if I were you, I would want to find him a permanent home, with people you trust not to give up on him, like you have, either sell or loan to them; or have him PTS, it sounds awful, but the life he is being sentenced to sounds worse.


Well-Known Member
10 December 2008
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Who did you buy him off by any chance would you be able to PM me? Although a permanant loan home would be the most ideal it is not always the most ideal and at the moment people really arent looking for companions.


ok can i just butt in here seeing as i am sick of this

he is not going to a dealer, i never said he was. the sale of the new horse has infact fallen through as im sure you will be pleased to hear.

he is therefore staying with me (which is fine) until i find him the right home on permanent loan. Now stop judging me when you do not know the ins and outs of the situation

if i could afford to keep two horses i would but i cant.
i also cannot leave him behind when i go to college as there is noone to look after him. as for PTS he is healthy and not dangerous, just not happy to be ridden. how does that give me the right to take his life unnecessarily?

how dare you tell me i do not care! how you tell me this hasnt been heartbreaking!

you do not know me or the situation, now please stop

[/ QUOTE ]

I am thrilled to hear you will be keeping Marley.

I have been in a situation very like yours so I know exactly how difficult it is, but please, don't let him go to a situation ever where he is at risk of being passed on. It would be so unfair to him, and believe me he would be much better off being put down [if it comes to that] than passed on to an uncertain future where he might be mistreated, abused, neglected, or end up going to meat anyway. If you love him you couldn't let him face that kind of future.


13 August 2006
Well north of Watford
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Hello Pixxie I can quite see where some of the posters are coming from, simply based on this

<font color="green"> ok can i just butt in here seeing as i am sick of this

he is not going to a dealer, i never said he was. the sale of the new horse has infact fallen through as im sure you will be pleased to hear.

he is therefore staying with me (which is fine) until i find him the right home on permanent loan. Now stop judging me when you do not know the ins and outs of the situation </font>

because you had earlier replied to Mrs_Mozart with this...

<font color="blue">No you havent im part Xing with the owner. <u>I dont doubt he will get sold on again</u> and as heartless as this may sound, i have been through hell and back with him already and i cannot keep passing up opportunites for a horse who i love with all my heart but ultimately cant do anything with </font>

Much of which will be the reason people feel you were not (though this appears not to be the case now) facing up to your responsiblities as far as Marley was concerned.

I had a pony I didn't get on with and loaned her to a home where her behaviour was not a problem. She is still there eight years on. I lost a load of money on her but she's well and happy and therefore I feel I did the right thing. I could have part exchanged her (wrong IMO) or had her PTS - quite unnecessary, but her whizziness and ability to jump meant I needed to safeguard her future and protect the rider. Her new owner wants only to hack, so my pony has the home of my dreams. If she had been dangerous, as opposed to merely unsuited to me, then I would have either kept her as a paddock ornament or had her PTS. No question, although my heart would have been broken, too. She will come back to me if this home ever fails her and then I will have to reconsider the situation. Retirement til she is unhappy I'd guess.

If only for his sake, do what's best for him. Put any financial and emotional loss down to experience. That's what everyone is trying to say.


Well-Known Member
31 March 2008
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i think what this comes down to is a 16 year old girl perhaps choosing the wrong turn of phrase right at the start of this thread and suddenly she's been jumped on by people who are apparantly older than her and should really know better.

i didn't read anywhere were pixxie said that she was selling him to a dealer and FWIW whenever anyone sells a horse there is ALWAYS the possibility that they might soon get sold on to an unsuitable home- does this mean that we should always have horses PTS for fear of them being sold on in the future?

Pixxie- its a horrible situation that you find yourself in. i hope you find the right solution to your problem but please do not get upset by people's opinions on here- from your posts about M you seem very concerned about him and i am sure you will make the right decision


Well-Known Member
21 November 2008
Funny farm
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iFWIW whenever anyone sells a horse there is ALWAYS the possibility that they might soon get sold on to an unsuitable home- does this mean that we should always have horses PTS for fear of them being sold on in the future?

[/ QUOTE ]

I think the difference is - some people would do everything in their power to try and stop that happening, others don't try at all.

Not that I am passing comment, but simple pointing out to you no-one is saying don't sell him, I think people are saying Pixxie should have tried to her best abilities to secure a forever home for Marley.


Situation normal
1 July 2004
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FWIW whenever anyone sells a horse there is ALWAYS the possibility that they might soon get sold on to an unsuitable home- does this mean that we should always have horses PTS for fear of them being sold on in the future?

[/ QUOTE ]

But at least a horse that is Sound, Sane and rideable stands at least the chance of ending up in a good place.

A horse with problems has no such guarantees.