Very impressed with Global Herbs Alphabute


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12 March 2010
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I normally have to give my pony Danilon in the run up to farrier visit as the arthritis in his hocks means it's uncomfortable for him to lift his legs.

Thought I'd just try him instead on the Alphabute and was pretty sure the farrier visit would not go well today but he was perfect. No upset etc so one very impressed owner


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12 March 2010
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I've been giving it daily for about three weeks. Although he is sound in field I felt he wasn't always comfortable first thing in morning.

He now looks totally normal and he's much more settled in his behaviour also


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21 August 2016
Linc / Cambs border
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My horse was lame on his front right with a sprain after me pushing him too hard on too hard ground (I felt like a ****) , put him on Alphabute to help him with any pain, and I didn't want to touch bute for many reasons.

I still have some left and I would never hesitate to use it again, worked like a charm and he came sound in a day of use, and it has made me keen to try some of their other products, I'm particularly curious about their "Supercalm" sachets for when I start eventing the TB...


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17 November 2016
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I used it for my old girl with arthritis in her knees,and subsequently just about everywhere else. It was a bit tricky to give her any antinflammatory drugs as she was on another drug long term which blocked just about anything, so I tried Alphabute (Bute-X as it was called then). It claims to work within the hour. Now old super fussy chops had to have it introduced and increased literally by the pinch over several days but she went from being so bad and likely to stumble and fall that I couldn't even just ride her at walk around the paddock, to be able to hack out and have a blast along the field to home on the return journey. As a result of my own first hand experience I wouldn't hesitate to recommend it to anyone. It really does do what it says on the tin.

maree t

Well-Known Member
15 September 2010
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I used this once . It was very effective and made me look into it more . Thats how I discovered turmeric and the groups that promote it . I started feeding turmeric with pepper and linseed and had just as good results with a fraction of the costs .