Very itchy pony at coat change time


Well-Known Member
12 November 2011
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Every year when the winter coat changes, my pony gets really itchy and scurfy. She's always sensitive skinned but these 5 or 6 weeks each spring are a bit miserable for her. Any suggestions for the best cream to rub in to help? I'm trying Itchgon this year but early days to see if it helps. Would good old fashioned calamine be any good? I don't really want anything with insect repellent in it (other than neem), just something to soothe the itch. Any recommendations please - thank you.


Well-Known Member
1 March 2016
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My boy also gets a bit like this- he does also get a bit sweet-itchy in the summer too.

I've been feeding this supplement recently: which seems to be helping, although it's hard to tell!

Last year, I bathed him regularly with a tea tree oil based shampoo which seemed to help a lot, but the weather had been a bit crap for that this year. And I put aloe-vera cream on any spots that he is really itching, which seems to provide at least temporary relief.

But will be watching this with interest!

I'm Dun

Well-Known Member
20 May 2021
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I've bathed mine today and given him a really good scrub with the rubber gloves that are like a brush. I've then put conditioner on and really rubbed it in to the places that are dry. It looks loads better. It got rid of an enormous amount of dead, dry coat and does seem to have added moisture to his skin.