Video of rescue ponies


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30 September 2005
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FeuFolet, I'm not disputing your knowledge, or that your intentions in your post are anything other than honourable, but what I do see is a lot of people jumping on a bandwagon (as often happens on here). I did state in my post that the choppy stride could be symptomatic of something more sinister (without actually specifiying navicular or any other such disease), but I still go by what I saw....the ponies in question are far from crippled in the video's shown.

Agent XXX999

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17 October 2006
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That is up to you - all I am saying is that she didnt see the lameness - and has admitted it!

I am not saying horses deserve to die for being lame or having issues....just that people should see them and if they dont there is a problem!

I have got a horse with navicular and he is not going to be PTS - also have had horses with Spavins/COPD/whatever.

Agent XXX999

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17 October 2006
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Rambo – I was the first person to post about the lameness! I also stated that my concern was more to do with the fact that she didn’t seem to notice it…which she has now confirmed! People are now thinking I am an advocate of horses being sent to slaughter houses if they are lame – which I am not….


Well-Known Member
30 September 2005
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People are now thinking I am an advocate of horses being sent to slaughter houses if they are lame – which I am not….

[/ QUOTE ]

That is not my view of you, nor was it my intention to make you out to look that way, so sorry


Well-Known Member
11 July 2004
Notts, UK
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Get over yourself! I have got a field full and it is not my point at all!

[/ QUOTE ]
Excuse me
My comment was a general one.....think you need to go calm down and not be so damn defensive when someone expresses an opinion that doesn't match your own


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28 November 2006
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Looks fine to me. A bit stiff in movements but I wouldn't say lame. Not really enough back muscles to carry himself properly. Maybe working in hand,long reining etc would improve his/her muscle tone.

In the clip were both are being walked, it looks like the palomino is uneven over the bum. This could be why he/she moves stiffly or look like having uneven strides.

How old is the palomino?

The grey look awsome. I normaly don't like grey colored horses so color aside, his conformation is really nice. Good condition. I saw no lameness on him either.

As far as slaughter goes, yes there is a reason why some horses should go there. Sometimes it is kinder to have a horse PTS than have them pass around from one set of hands to another.

It is a shame when some people are forced to send their horses off to slaughter if they can't get them sold only to see someone turn them in to a rescue case.

But that is a whole different kettle of fish all together.



Situation normal
1 July 2004
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Well, don't they look happy ponies. The palomino is particularly attractive.

Don't agree that it looked lame at all - just needed to go forward. My opinion anyway.

It's nice that they have a home for life with you.

Agent XXX999

Well-Known Member
17 October 2006
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You are missing the point ....that I share your opinion that horses with issues should not be write offs, do not consider them useless, nor do I think they deserve to be slaughtered, and yes I do think that they should be given a chance…
Sorry to get stressed but if you read my posts you would see that, and also see that a horses welfare is my main concern…

Stop jumping on me and read! I still stand by the fact that the horse is lame….


Well-Known Member
30 October 2006
Gotta say I looked at this post and vid yesterday when first posted and I disagree on the lameness....either everyone that thinks it is crippled lame has been very lucky in the horses they have spent time around being perfect or they simply are not used to horses with choppy/short/unbalanced strides!

The palamino I am sure would be pinned with ears back if in pain, most ponies do, horses argue a bit more admittedly but the pony is soundish for sure! - not great but not lame either. Footsore possible and maybe some issues in her mouth at the time.

I do agree however that some people can go "rescuing" on occasion being a little blinkered but in this case 2 ponies look happy and healthy and the OP was just trying to share her joy of them with us!

Several people were quick to jump down her throat with the "its lame" post!!! Only a select few are vets on here and I say give the newbie a chance before being so negative.

These ponies are not being sold on for profit, look happy enough so chill people!!!


Well-Known Member
12 June 2006
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Well I've watched this a few times and having had a fair bit of experiece with lameness I am not convinced the pony is lame. Its a little hard to say that with 100% conviction as there is a case of 'wobbly' camera going on here! IMO the pony is unbalanced and lacking in general condition and hindquarter strength and this is why he appears not be to moving correctly. I would have to see up close and personal to be really sure but I would almost certainly say he's not lame. I think its very commendable that this young lady has gone to the time and trouble to rescue these lovely horses/ponies and the world needs people like this.
I know horses go to slaughter but I for one hate to think about it and wish all of them in an ideal world could have a happy, comfortable retirement. I know I'm thinking the impossible here but thats my thoughts.
This girl, whilst not having years and years of experience, seems to be on the right track and whilst ever she continues to seek advice from the professionals ie: vets she's doing all she can. I applaude her for that.