Well-Known Member
Just adding, a old YO i knew tried this with a liveries horse. She totally ruined him, wont even step over a pole on the ground now, so its a deffo don't try this at home!
Just adding, a old YO i knew tried this with a liveries horse. She totally ruined him, wont even step over a pole on the ground now, so its a deffo don't try this at home!
A friend of mine who is a prominent Irish event rider/breeder sends all their youngsters to a man he knows who is superb at this type of work. They go at a certain stage of their education ie broken and starting to pop small fences, he will work with them over a variety of obstacles across the country - invaluable for their balance, coordination and self-beliefHe would never produce a horse for eventing without going through this process, but he (Olympic rider) doesn't do it himself he sends them to a specialist - says it all really... Afaik we don't have the equivalent in Britain, more's the pity..
I thought it was a pleasure to watch and especially nice to see a horse being made to work out his own balance and make decisions for himself.
I agree with this.
Do you know how/why it went wrong? Would be interesting to know as it's always cheaper to learn from other people's mistakes!
I've seen people permanently screw up horses longeing/free jumping, usually by getting their timing wrong and/or not having proper speed control. Agreed, ideally it's something you need to learn by study/tuition not just random attempts. Not all mistakes are fixable
I think the general jist of it was, horse was not 100% to lunge anyway, YO thought eff this i'll just try it, turned the horse too tight on approach so it didn't actually see the ditch she was aiming him at. he was honest and tried to jump it but stumbled a little, so was understandably cautious next time round. Again, rubbish approach, horse stops, gets lunge line thrown at it so rears, then gets yanked in the mouth (she was lunging off a bridle) then a half full can of coke thrown at it. Safe to say I didn't stick around for too long after that. I think what is seen on the video is very good, however, it can go wrong if the person doesn't know what they are doing
I've seen people permanently screw up horses longeing/free jumping, usually by getting their timing wrong and/or not having proper speed control.
I loved the video, saw a very happy horse having fun. Could i do it? NO. Wish I could though.
I don't get why it's a 'don't try this at home' type thing. Ok, the horse is jumping some reasonable sized fences here, but then, do most people have a great XC course in their field? I doubt it! (I do wish I did though!)
I did a bit of this sort of thing with Dan, without even thinking about it. He didn't like ditches, the yard had a small XC course through the fields, his field had the ditches - very handy. We used to walk up to them, over them, then trot over them, he'd go over them without me etc. until he'd do it loose. We did the same with the water, the steps into/out of the water & the small up rights up to about 2'6/2'9. We didn't just run out onto a crazy XC course with a big rope & start charging around & I'm sure nobody would suggest that even with the best horse.
I think it's a great idea, & potentially great for young/green/spooky horses. Sure, you'd want to establish jumping in an arena & basics out in open spaces etc first, but otherwise, what's bad about it?![]()
It seems like common sense to me, too, but then I am relatively new to horses and come from training other species. The bottom line is "no compulsion". The horse in the video is obviously enjoying the exercise. Also, I hate ropes and bits of string. I always seem to get entangled and the thought of being snared with half a tonne of relatively uncontrolled and possibly panicking horse flesh on the other end makes me feel quite faint!
We tried it here on a very modest scale starting with a rail on the ground across a gateway, the ponies completely loose and free, and some hard feed on the other side.Then gradually raised the stakes a bit every day. Once they become confident, they love jumping. Several of ours pull towards the jumps when being lunged, then clears them by a wide margin if permitted to jump. But these are food orientated Highlands and it might not work for others.
Unfortunately, three broken gates later, I have discovered that horses are not great at estimating scale! Still, I'd rather have to mend gates than see a horse hating to jump. No one has jumped out of the field yet.
Because with a less experienced person there is massive potential for this to go very wrong. Stand too close and the horse might decide to buck and kick, and take your head off; Or he decided to put his head down and go and visit his mates, taking you with him (note that the rope is attached to the side of the headcollar, where you have more control than if it is on the back); did you notice where the trainer had to put his hand up so the rope didn't go round his neck?; or you get the lead tangled/drop it and the horse gets free and bogs off across the field, pursued by a loose rope, which he thinks is a snake and panics; or he decides to dodge out at a fence and knocks you down; or you try for just a bit bigger fence and un-nerve him. Like lots of things, it looks easy when the experts do it! I am sure there are other people who could add to the "don't do this at home" ideas.
The trainer and the horse look in complete harmony. The trainer is in charge, he knows what he is doing and he is watching what the horse is doing. He also has complete control of his lead rope at all times.
I would do this at home, in an enclosed space, with a hat and gloves on and with a horse I knew wouldn't panic if the rope was dropped and I would concentrate VERY hard NOT to drop the rope and finish while things were going well.
Did you find that sort of training had only positive repercussions for their jumping under saddle? Did the skill seem transferable to other jumping situations such as XC?
One of the reasons I cringe when I see people "loose schooling" by just letting horses fly at the jumps with no speed control and no placing fences etc is because it often ends up with the horse launching and flinging itself over, which causes difficulties with the sort of control and reasoning necessary for jumping at higher levels of competition. One of the "complaints" people have mentioned about the video is the horse is going so slowly but that it exactly what you want during the education process, for the horse to be really thinking about where it's putting its feet, looking ahead, and staying relaxed. This builds lasting confidence. Like any skill, it's much easier to teach it correctly and then speed it up.
I had a horse that was a determined fence jumper. He had the inclination anyway but what cemented it was living on a farm with panel jumps in the fencelines. He was a natural XC horse and he pretty quickly assumed that the panels weren't barriers, they were gateways. It was maddening. Even after he moved, he would jump out only in areas where he could see the question and the landing clearly, usually the gate, even if it was higher than the fence. He effectively educated himself by jumping progressively more difficult questions. (His most spectacular feat was jumping out the window of an indoor school.) I agree it's rare but I've certainly seen many horses jump out of schools free jumping, which is why I would never do it without a purpose built area or an indoor. I've also seen more than one horse jump through a mirror and know two that ended their careers that way. I know most horses aren't that motivated but part of training responsibly is thinking what the negative repercussions of the learned behaviour might be.
I am very interested in how horses' minds work. With the above, my thinking is just to open the animal's mind to what is possible. I firmly believe that can best be done with encouragement and presenting the opportunities. Would it be better to let a young horse experiment on it's own with natural jumps or rear it in a flat field with no obstacle bigger than a mole hill?
I take your point. One pony was running up the field with the rest, as youngsters will do, but did not stop at the gate but landed on top of it. All my gates are wooden and apart from some carpentry, no harm was done. A second did much the same, funnily the guy who was earlier convinced he couldn't jump six inches! Harmful? Maybe but that's how we all learn, ponies included. I've had others run into fences and hit posts, but it is not really practical to rear them in a totally safe environment. Children used to learn by scraping their knees and falling out of trees and I am not sure they benefit from the super-safe environment the nanny state insists they have today.
Those are the most obvious physical risks but there are also training concerns that need to be considered, especially if the goal is upper level completion as with the horse in the video. It's very easy for people to start to chase a horse loose or on the longe and interfere with it's timing and speed control. The most common glitch is that there is often a moment a stride or two out when a green horse hesitates for a second, sizing up the problem and rebalancing - a sort of natural half halt. But people often think the horse is going to refuse at that moment and cluck/chase/pop the whip or rope at that critical second, breaking the horse's concentration and causing it to stop or have the rail or rush the next time. It's not a big deal initially but can become a habit. I saw a horse go from jumping confidently down a grid to stopping repeatedly and, it turned out, permanently, just because someone on the ground got too aggressive with him. This doesn't preclude experimentation but it does need care and it also needs the sense to recognise when the horse is not benefiting from the experience. Like everything else, I guess.
Learning through "doing stuff" is an essential part of becoming a good horseman but it's much quicker and less risky to do it initially with experienced support or at least a careful, sensible approach. I think all that people are saying is setting off to an XC course with a horse on a long line and a halter is probably not the first step in the process. Most people are sensible enough to see that but it never hurts to say it, just in case.
TS, we both agree about the confidence and that is all I am aiming for. Also, I think we are talking from opposite ends of the spectrum! I'm basically a breeder who aims to get them off the place, sensible and well reared, before they have started schooling for others to put the polish on for whatever discipline they want....and they are Highland ponies, not show jumpers or eventers! We've taken a couple on longer than intended because of the recession (which won't last forever, then prices will rise) and it's quite fun, but I think I'll leave the complicated stuff to people like you! I always enjoy reading your posts because I learn a lot, and that's what I'm here for. Hopefully, others are learning too and learning to think outside the box which does seem to be a problem with some traditionalists I've encountered.
So is the thinking that the potential for it going wrong/it's harder to get it right with XC questions (although am imagining most would stick to trotting over ditches etc than say with jumping/grids in the school? Only as I have always presumed that most people do the latter but it would perhaps seem from what you say that plenty of people ****** it up with show jumps too. I'm just pondering. I suppose it is harder to drop things down a level XC like you can with a SJ to make the question easier.