views on sedaline


Well-Known Member
28 June 2008
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my new horse was scared stiff of my clippers . so i bought some cordless quiet ones. and spending time with them and him he got use to them so i started to clip him and he let me do all his body . time for his head only a bridle line . not a chance in hell. so hes now left with a wooly head . so my view was to get the vet to sedate him and do it . then ask him to leave me some sedaline and at first bit by bit try and get him use to the clippers going further up around his chin. but when i am going to clip is give him a couple of notches to relax him . iv had a mixed responce to this such as when i give him the sedaline hel know somethings going to happen and hel fight it
hes had to be sedated to have his teeth done and when i bought him hed been shoed but never hot shoed because in ireland . a lot of farriers dont do it . but my farrier doesnt heat the shoes up to hot and bit by bit hes got use to it so its a scared thing and a trust thing with him hes not being naughty


Well-Known Member
7 December 2009
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Different horses respond differently to all sedatives. One instance you can give a horse X ammount and it be nicely sedated and you can clip his head. The next time you give him X ammount he could be on the floor! Please consult your vet for each sedation, they may well give you some to administer yourself but always follow their instruction.

That said, I definatley agree with administering sedatives to clip instead of a battle. There is no point in fighting when the animal (even the litte ones!) are stronger than you, it is just putting you both in a dangerous situation. Consult your vet and they will talk you through the best options for your situation.


Well-Known Member
5 June 2009
i would definitely get on and use it, we have had to use it twice so far on my mare, once when she was having a strop about being shoed and (after nearly killing several people when we tried to clip her last year) we used it on her this year to clip her and she was as good as gold... i think it really helped as now she doesnt freak when someone else is being clipped like she used to either its like she realises clipping is ok after all (even when not doped up!) and she has been fine to shoe ever since! She is only young so it just helped to take the edge off.

Would agree definitely consult the vet though on dosage etc!

Good Luck!


Well-Known Member
28 June 2008
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Before trying to sedate your horse why not try some none electric hand clippers?

[/ QUOTE ] i would try but hes been bought to show as a show cob .so its all hogging and trimming and thats around every 3 weeks so its a thing im just going to have to work on till hes sick to death of hearing the clippers .and hopefully thinks oh well but id never fight him .id scare him a long the way hes had a good beating because if i tell him off he climbs the wall n shakes .so hes a tricky one on how to deal with


Well-Known Member
20 October 2006
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Sedalin is a funny thing. I would never need to use it on my arab as he is a total dude to handle but I have a feeling it would knock him right out - he's been sedated for the dentist by the vet and he is a complete lightweight. Whereas the big youngster we have tried it on him to get a microchip in and a WHOLE TUBE (as directed by vet) had very little effect at all. We ended up just getting the bigger stronger vet and we just push him up against a wall and sedate properly! He's a b*gg*r for the vet, everything else he is an angel.
So I think it depends on the horse really but if you are aving to do every few weeks all year I'm sure eventually he will be fine.


Well-Known Member
31 December 2008
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Well all i can say is that i have a yearling on box rest that i have to walk in hand everyday. If i don't give her sedalin she is on two feet constantly (whether it is front or back) shehas 2 ml so i can walk her out safely, for her sake and mine. It doesn't knockher out but takes the edge off her and she does look slightly dopey!


Well-Known Member
10 September 2009
As already mentioned each horse reacts differeently, I know a HUGE shire X which half the dose knocks her out completely but on my own ID it doesn't have any effect. Was always told it depends on how they are feeling when you give it to them and it does take a good half hour to kick in.

Always worth a try but you know pretty quickly if it's gonna have any effect or not.


Well-Known Member
21 November 2005
North East
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As others have said, the dosage and reaction will vary in different horses but if it works for yours then it is handy for this kind of thing. My lad can get a bit wound up with the dentist but half a tube 30 mins before he starts just chills him out nicely! (You can stick it in feed as well which is useful!)

The main thing I have found with it is that you need to give it to them when they're nice and relaxed - so way before you start anything. I've seen people have a go at something (clipping/dentist etc) and only give the sedalin after they've started playing up/becoming frightened and it really doesn't have much effect - presumably because adrenalin etc is already pumping!


Well-Known Member
27 January 2007
In a stable...
Gave my girl nearly a whole tube 45 mins before the farrier came. She was still totally wide awake when he got here, but saying that she behaved perfectly. Whether that was the hay, she just got over her naughtyness or it made her attitude calmer- who knows?!


Well-Known Member
26 May 2009
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have you ever twitched?
where i work we used ti have a horse which has a whole tube of sedaline and was still naughty, but over time hes got better.

he doestn like his ears being touched, brushed washed so therefore he doesnt like clippers either so all we have to do is clip as normal then when it comes to ears and forehead ect we just twitch him and he's fine.

although this might not work for yor horse, and if you havent twitched personally, or that horse and dont agree with twitching then thats fine
just a suggestion


Well-Known Member
28 June 2008
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thanks for all replys il ring vets for sedaline .i have tried the twitch but he just picks me up off the floor n if he sees it youl not get near him .iv got a feeling someones been there before and when im going to sedate him im not going to try and do it without then half way threw bring it out . il weigh him and ask my vet how much he should have . funny though my mum bought me some naff calmers also . so something should take the edge off just glad your not slateing me over it thanks all


Well-Known Member
17 November 2007
Somewhere in Ireland up north to the west abit , t
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To be honest I doubt sedalin will work on your horse OP .

If your horse is at all stressy before giving the sedalin, He will more or less fight against it. According to my vet, Sedalin works with the horse ie ... if a horse is relaxed it will work and possibly quicker . If a horse is stressed or anxious then it will not even touch them .

Personally I would go for proper sedation adminstered by your vet .

Sedalin does nothing for my big 3 year old mare . She has a super temperment and is very laid back, but if she doesnt like something, she will let you know . I've tried twitching her and like your lad, She would lift you clean off your feet .

Better to be safe than sorry, making sure your horse doesn't get hurt and more importantly your safety .

Good luck .

Col x


Well-Known Member
27 September 2005
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I'd definately give it a try

My ID will fight a proper sedation (& since a hospital stay he's now so anti jabs that even getting it in him is dangerous) & in the past has been worse doped than undoped but a couple of mls of Sedalin mean he's away with the fairies for hours! The first time he was turned out following box rest I gave him 3ml on my vet's instructions & after an hour he was walking like a drunk, I was actually worried because 7 hours later he was still dopey.