Virtual Dressage Comp in aid of Bank End Equine Rescue.


Well-Known Member
22 January 2007
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Virtual Dressage Test in aid of Bank End Equine Rescue.

Open to any rider and horse combination – no experience necessary! Open to everyone so get your yard / friends involved too – they do not have to be a member of HHO.

The classes:
Class 1.
BD introductory A (walk and trot test)
Class 2:
Prelim 7
Class 3:
Novice 25
Class 4:
Elem 44.
Class 5:
Prelim 7 – without a horse!
Entries to be judged on turn out, execution of movements, energy and expression of paces!

All classes £5 – ALL proceeds to go to Bank End Equine Rescue
Rosettes awarded to 6th place in all classes.

The rules:
Any bit to be allowed plus martingales etc if required.
All tests to be conducted in a 20 x 40m space (ménage/ arena or field) with letters clearly marked.
Test to be videoed by someone standing 4 metres back from C
No zoom or telephoto lenses allowed (therefore basically seeing what the judge
at C would see).
No editing of the test
Test to be transferred onto a DVD and sent to address supplied by Ovidius along with entry fee, name of rider and horse, HHO name if appropriate and class(es) entered. PM Ovidius for the address
Cheques to be made payable to Bank End Equine Rescue

ALL entries to be received by the 26th June 2009.
Results will be announced on HHO on the 3rd July 2009.

Good luck and get videoing!!!!