I hated mine to be honest. When they worked, they were brilliant, but more often than not they would pull at the hair. Had blades and everything checked but all was seemingly fine. Wouldn’t recommend them, though this was about 18 years ago so they may well be better now.
I have a pair and they are lovely and quiet and easy to use.
I cannot clip to save my life but have managed some effort at a cross between a chaser and blanket clip on my boy a few times now. He is a TB with a pretty fine coat, so can't comment on how they would handle a thicker coat. They clearly won't compete with the bigger more heavy duty clippers, but for occasional, personal use I like mine.
I’ve used these to do an Irish/chaser clip horse is Frisian/welsh and they coped fine with his coat, it’s dense but not at all course. Also they’re very quiet and have a battery pack so no cable. I think they may struggle with a v thick coat There are probably better clippers out there to do full clips and thick coats. They aren’t very wide so it takes longer to do a big clip
I have them and they are great. But I only have one horse so even if fully clipped it is max 3 per year. I don’t think they would be great for big jobs. They have definitely helped Robin though as he was quite nervous about being clipped initially.
Old boss had them and clipping hairy cob legs took forever!